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September Marco Thylo Win a Dear Thyroid T-Shirt Contest

Post Published: 03 September 2009
Category: Humor Columns, September Dear Thyoid Win A Free T-Shirt Contest
This post currently has 31 responses. Leave a comment

Let the thymes begin! In our first September Marco Thylo post, we included a Dear Thyroid T-shirt contest for the month of September. The question, Thyrellas and Thyfellas requires,  your thylliance, please.

Here it is:

  1. Thyroids humiliate: I am putting this one out to our Dear Thyroid readers. Much like the first contest, submit your responses in comments. We’ll post them in a week and everyone will vote. The winner will receive a Dear Thyroid T-shirt!

I expect some thyliteraryliciousness from our Dear Thyroidians.


Dear Thyroid

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31 Responses to “September Marco Thylo Win a Dear Thyroid T-Shirt Contest”

  1. Madison Merritt says:


  2. Anonymous says:

    How about being in such a thyfog that you say the wrong person’s name in bed?

  3. mom2wildthings says:

    Thyroids humiliate by making us forget simple things…like where we parked in the huge shopping center parking lot. Nothing like looking for your car for 20 minutes, then searching for your lost keys for another 10!

  4. Kathy says:

    Thyroids humiliate… when we see a photograph of ourselves and hardly recognize the person in the picture. And then we say “OMG..never again! No more photos!”

  5. fisherwife says:

    Before I was ever diagnosed with Grave’s disease I went on an embarrassing thyrade. My husband and partner are in business together. They co-own a store. In the back of the store his partner used to keep a nudie calendar. There were women who worked in this store. It really bothered me and I fussed at my husband about it alot. He contended that it was his partner’s calendar. I said it was tantamount to sexual harrassment. For some reason thyroid storm occurred with a heaping dose of self righteous indignation for me. I had hallucinations of holiness. One particular day my delusions became my reality. It was frightening. I was frightening. I headed to the store to set things right.

    Everyone was at the store working and minding their own business. I came in hell-bent on straightening out the situation with the nudie calendar. I was pissed. I marched to the back of the store and began a thyrade like never witnessed before. I yelled at the top of my lungs in front of unsuspecting co-workers and one very confused customer. I ripped that calendar into shreds and told my husband’s partner off.

    Later, after the storm was finished raging, I was humbled. I felt more than a little humiliation over my behavior. My thyroid has led me on many such thyrants over the years. I have thrown things. I have cursed. I have driven recklessly. I have lost friendships. That day, I jeopardized our business relationship with the partner. I was so embarassed that I behaved in such a way. Of course I apologized. Whether he was wrong about having such stuff in our store was beside the point: my thyrade was abusive and excessive.

    Now, maybe you were looking for a funny story like because of my thyroid I wore my shoes on the wrong feet after sleeplessness (which I have done) or forgotten my best friend’s name (which I have also done). But the most embarrassing thing I could think of I have mentioned here. Think or medicate before you throw a thyrade!

  6. Elizabeth says:

    Hypothyroidism and when my TSH levels skyrocket amongst many other symptoms, I have lost control of my bowels. Now that’s embarrassing. Thank goodness I work from home most days because it’s easier to run to the bathroom, but when it happens in your sleep, your trying to make sure your husband didn’t notice cause the last thing you want is for him to be less attracted to you – already got the thinning, practically not there hair falling out and falling asleep while he’s trying to spend time with you. “Why can’t you stay awake?” to watch a movie or whatever. Sorry, no control over my body that’s been handed over to my non-acting thyroid that has decided that I shouldn’t have a complete quality of life.

  7. Elizabeth says:

    Forgetfullness! Hell yes and not noticing simple things. Worn mismatched shoes to work, worn my crocheted shirt inside out – hard not to notice – to work. Worn a skirt with a big tear in the rear to work. Why do they keep me there? Well, now I work from home.
    If too much time passes, like a day, I confuse clients and have sent an email giving information to a client on their question – to the wrong client – and I’m an international expert tax CPA – great way to make sure I’m respected – forget the fact of giving one client another’s information. Thank’s to Outlook’s ability to recall messages, but you don’t always catch that.
    What’s that movie where everytime the person falls asleep they forget everything – oh yeah, 50 first dates. My husband loves it when I tell him the same thing over again like he’s never heard it or when I don’t tell him something really important because I think I already have but it’s someone else I told.

  8. Deb says:

    Welcome to the thyorificial opening! And I do mean every orifice! The morning after a friend’s birthday bash I was standing up in a group setting ‘singing’ along with everyone. While attempting to sing,(as usual lipsinking the words as I can’t remember the tune to this one). My eyes flood with tears, ofcourse the nose runs, which makes me sneeze which makes me burp and fart, all the while trying to keep in rhythm with the music naturally, now that could be humiliating but I look innocently at the guy next to me as if he did it! “Disgusting!”..my eyes say silently to him. Ah well..funny how the word humility and humiliating are related for they are totally different. If your lucky, humiliation will teach you humility. Humility teaches you to love yourself, forgive yourself, warts and all! And so..after feeling guilty at attempting to hide my orificial abundance and blame someone else, I shrugged my shoulders, gave myself an inner hug, and apologized to my thyroidraged body, letting it know that I would try to be more attentive next time to what I eat and drink. Thanks for the ‘little’reminder…

  9. Bee says:

    thyroids humiliate, constipate, dissociate, emasculate, hibernate,fluctuate, and eradicate any notion of normal; then propogate a sense of despair

  10. Regina says:

    How about your kid being late to karate class cause you got lost driving him there and had to wait for your GPS to locate you.. he’s only been going to the same location for the last 4 YEARS!

  11. Bee says:

    humilation is my middle name-especially when you want to have a conversation with an acquaintance and it sounds something like this:Oh,Hi (dreadfully long pause) I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name. their response is: It’s Marylou and we worked closely toghether for ten yrs (her immediate thoughts:what a freakin’ moron)now your flustered so you try to make small talk(never been good at that in the best of times) so you start with the usual:”how are you? how’s that whathisname who was crazy,and our boss whatshisname and is whateshername still doing–umm-what did she do? they only way out of this is to start speaking Vulcan and pretend like you took it up as a summer hobby

  12. Robyn says:

    How has my thyroid humiliated me today? Hmm… I just purchased one of those days-of-the-week pill holders. Like my GRANDMOTHER used to have. Y’know, to hold the synthroid, the beta-blockers to counter-act the tachycardia, the ambien to counter-act the insomnia, the vitD, the fish oil, the pro-biotic….

  13. Jensie says:

    It’s no fun being a hypo-chick….my thyroid likes to jump out and humiliate me just when I think everything is going great! Case in point…holding a job in middle management in corporate america…while speaking so eloquently (I thought) that all of a sudden I draw a BLANK – forgetting exactly where I was going and what I was doing! All eyes on me, smiles at first, chuckles, then just embarrassed side way looks….! Me thinking “oh fucking hell, here we go again”.

    Thank you shameless thyroid for showing me who is really boss in this body and giving NO mercy!

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