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How To Kick Your Thyroid’s Ass: The Two-Month Detox Challenge!

Post Published: 27 September 2009
Category: How To Kick Your Thyroid's Ass
This post currently has 49 responses. Leave a comment

I’m a little upset that my doctors have never mentioned it.   I’m a little upset I had to happen upon this information on the internet.   You’d think this sort of data would be pertinent enough to be conveyed immediately, from physician to thyroid patient. Unfortunately, things just don’t work like that. ,  And anyway, I didn’t even get a basic explanation of my disease itself at the time of my diagnosis.  I guess I can’t expect too much.  I guess the internet would be the only way I’d ever learn about this thyroid-helper gland.  This week, pretty much, I’m shitting a brick, and I hope by the end of this, you will be too.

Previously, I’ve mentioned how important the gut is in managing thyroid disease.   That is, if our gut is dysfunctional and is unable to absorb nutrients and our medication, we’re screwed because those essential hormones aren’t being acquired by the body.   And this still holds true.   However, apparently, there is another system at work in treating thyroid disease: the liver.   Yes, the liver.   The liver as in that thing that is supposed to detoxify the body from bacteria and pathogens and chemicals and all that alcohol we drink over the course of our lifetime.   Well, aside from being the body’s detoxification system, the liver also metabolizes thyroid hormones.   Crazy right??!,   The liver? Thyroid hormones??,   Basically, it’s a whole long, complicated, scientific process, which you can read about here,  and includes some other details that I haven’t mentioned.   But here’s what we need to know today: the liver is integral in both metabolizing those thyroid hormones that are released naturally via our bodies, and also those we ingest via medication.   The liver regulates the systemic endocrine effects of thyroid hormones.   What this means for you and I is this: if our liver is weak, our thyroid hormones are going to be unregulated and/or not absorbed or utilized.   In order for our medication (and/or our body’s natural hormones) to be effective, we need a high-functioning liver.

In addition to thyroid hormone regulation, the liver also plays a role in supporting the digestive system, blood sugar regulation, and fat storage.   Did you catch that last one?,   Fat storage. ,  The liver is responsible for burning fat.   However, if the liver is too busy cleansing our systems from the many toxins we ingest, it cannot be effective at burning fat.   When this important organ is overwhelmed and in a constant state of filtering and toxic overload, we will have a hard time losing or maintaining weight.   But why, you ask, would our liver be in this constant and over-worked state of detoxification?   Well, for one, the liver must eliminate the chemicals we ingest via food on a daily basis.   Things like pesticides (in every non-organic product we buy), chemicals and synthetics that have been added to food, unnatural flavorings, foods that individuals may happen to be allergic to, chemicals like fluoride and chlorine in our water and soda and juice (this includes bottled water), antibiotics and hormones in non-organic animal products, and the list goes on.   Most everything in our environment is toxic at this point, so unless we’re actively and purposefully making natural choices, we’ll be unwittingly putting a toxic load on our liver and body.

Taking care of our liver can mean better thyroid hormone absorption, as well as a better chance at a steady weight.   For me, this information is convincing enough.   I don’t see a downside to trying to help my liver, so I’m making myself a guinea pig.   I’m going to go on a two-month liver detox.   And, here’s the kicker: I’m inviting you along with me!,   Yes, you, my dear readers!,   But before you freak out like this is gonna involve eating nothing but alfalfa sprouts and carrot juice, hear me out.   A liver detox program actually requires no deprivation or fasting and you’re not doing anything extreme.   It simply involves eating whole foods (of course, organic is always the best choice, if you can), tons of cleansing and nutrient-dense vegetables, nuts and seeds, good fats (especially those known to aide in liver function, like coconut oil), fruits (citrus especially), herbs and spices and digestive aids, and if you choose to eat animal products just try and make sure they’re organic (meat, eggs) or wild-caught (fish).   Avoid common allergens (gluten, dairy, etc.) and starches.

What to include in your liver detox:

  • Lemon water. Drink lots of water in general, but lemon has great flushing and antibacterial properties.
  • Supplements. I bought the Renew Life brand Critical Liver Support, which not only contains extracts and antioxidants that are known to strengthen and detoxify, but it also contains amino acids that are utilized by the liver.
  • A liver detox drink, such as,  Caisse’s Tea,,  which is nothing more than some more of those extracts brewed in a liquid form. ,  I’ll be taking it before eating in the morning, as well as before bedtime. Today was my first day trying it, and fyi, not at all gross. Actually pretty refreshing.
  • More liver-friendly spices: turmeric, onions, garlic, dill.
  • Whole, unprocessed foods. Plain and simple.
  • Vegetable (and fruit) juices via a juicing machine. ,  I’m going to be adding vegetable juices to my snack repertoire.   I’ll probably be relying mainly on green, non-starchy vegetables like celery (really yummy and refreshing as a juice) and sprouts.

What I’m not hoping for:

  • A miracle cure-all
  • Anything too difficult or challenging
  • Hunger. I just can’t and won’t do it
  • Any life-changing results in a two-month time frame

What I am hoping for:

  • Greater immunity, even if only by a smidge
  • My body’s ability to better fend off the infections to which I am prone
  • A little more energy (perhaps due to my body’s ability to absorb my thyroid hormone a bit better)

So please, join me in this little (safe/not-too-complicated) experiment.   I’ll keep you updated over the next two months about the state of things via a special blog which you can find here.   I’ll be including pictures of what I’m eating, notes on how I feel, and any readings or research that relate.   I’m hoping to update it frequently, like, as in daily, if we’re lucky.   If you’re participating in the challenge, be sure to keep me updated how you’re doing too, either via the new blog, or here in the comment box, or via my email, Liz@DearThyroid.com.   I started my two months today, which means you can either join in now or begin at the start of this new week. ,  How exciting!


Until Next Week,

Love Always,


Have a question, comment, story, love letter, or rant/rave to send me?: Liz@DearThyroid.com

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49 Responses to “How To Kick Your Thyroid’s Ass: The Two-Month Detox Challenge!”

  1. Freida Bee says:

    Ok. This is great timeing on both of our parts, because I just went through an awful and long coming need to give up coffee and I’m all about the teas. I’ve been feeling inordinately full, and more and more lethargic. I slightly self-upped my levoxyl for a few weeks a bit ago, hoping to see it help and it didn’t. It didn’t occur to me it might be about my not absorbing the stuff. I’d come to conclude the Master cleanser was my only way, but then I am at least going to do something more gentle in the meantime. My teeth have hurt from the sweetness of the lemonade the last couple time I did the MC.

  2. Jess Burnquist says:

    It’s on! I just visited my naturopathic doc and she discussed the liver and kidneys at length. I’m taking a supplement for my adrenals which will kick start the whole ding dang endocrine system and help with the cleanse. It’s called “Adrenal Cortex” and is produced by Thorne Research Co. I’m not sure if you need a prescription or not as my doc had it on hand. It might be a good start. As always, thanks for the great information!

  3. Pam says:

    I didn’t know avocados were thyroid-stimulating (not good as I’m hyper). It’s one of my fave foods!

  4. Bee says:

    I’m such a pu**y when it comes to juicing. I’ve just never liked it .YUK! but i do know about the liver and stuff and I, like many thyroid pts. have a fatty liver- not caused by alcohol but becuz our metabolism is so jacked up—and I ‘ve often felt that when I physically feel better my liver must be helping out some-the only problem is then I go hyper because my system’s trying to actually function and I’m processing my synthroid too well. I’ll be watching your successes closely. Presently I’ve commited to a 3 mo. research diet program w/ my husband and will have to wait to try this new plan. One word of advice: wash those lemons WELL. I never get lemon in my water at a restaurant bcuz studies have shown that a wedge of lemon in a public establishment is loaded w/ way more bacteria than you even want to think about.

  5. Bee says:

    fatty liver showed up on Abdominal U/S , Ct scan, an occasional liver function test will be slightly askew—cholesteral just does crazy shit from time to time but for the most part is good—and no genetic link to a cholesteral prob, at least I’ve got that going or me

  6. Robyn says:

    Liz and everyone,
    Almost all drugs, hormones, and toxins are metablized, filtered, or processed through the liver and/or kidneys. (There are a select few that use “alternate” pathways to be converted to usable form, or for deactivation and clearing.) Check out this link: http://www.salugenecists.com/genpage.php?tname=disease&dbid=21, for a nice, non-doctor word explanation of T4, T3 and the liver and kidneys.
    In addition to the things you have mentioned, SAM-E and milk thistle are great for improving/maximizing liver function, and in fact I use these in pets with impaired liver function all the time.

  7. Deanna says:

    I did a liver/gall bladder flush years ago (before I was diagnosed with low-thyroid), and while it was just about the grossest thing ever, I felt amazing afterwards, for a good three to four months. This was the recipe I used: http://curezone.com/cleanse/liver/huldas_recipe.asp Ignore all the hyperbole and bad design, just follow the instructions towards the bottom…

  8. Sue Jenkins says:

    Easy and delicious juice. I am NOT a juicer but love this one!

    3 carrots
    1/2 cucumber
    1″ ginger
    1/2 lemon (squeezed after juicing)

    Naturally sweet with a little zing from the ginger

  9. thy_r88gous says:

    ok here i go, im gonna do this but i really cant stand the thought of pooping or stones or anything else that comes out of those area’s. i would freak out if i had to poop more than once a day so …………………….yuck. but seriously ive been thinking about this for about 6 months, since i was diagnosed as hyper. Cause when i went to the endo, my eyes, the middle part of the white, was yellow, like jaundice. And the endo said that my liver had nothing to do with my thyroid. and the yellow was no big deal. Can u believe that? I never went back to that crazy lady. But i havent wanted to do this because of ya know, the poop. So anyways here i go. And i bought some every day detox tea today by traditional medicnals. its quite tasty. with a little honey. It says it “promotes healthy liver function” and ” it also helps digest fats and promotes digestion by aiding in the manufacture of bile. ” So im hoping that this works. Cause its my liver and my eyes and i kinda think they are a big deal. Also in all my many adventures on the www i have found that chinese believe the liver and eyes are connected. (thyroid eye disease)

  10. Deb says:

    Something interesting has happened, looking for your insight …. I have had a low thyroid for years and a low endocrine system in general; I also have Chronic Lyme Disease. Treatment included one full year of 1,800 mgs of antibiotics daily …. managageable now, but I believe the side effects of the antibiotics (all my 30-some supplements and 15 presciptions medications) has taken a tole on my liver …. I feel awful and it’s been over a years since I’ve been off all supplements and medications only take one pill for my low thyroid and nothing else … at one point I felt poisioned !!!! As a result, my undereye area is dark and puffy each and everyday …. I’m pale(er) than usual … I soak in Epson Salts, ACV and Baking Soda daily to remove toxins …. drink lots of water …. Any HELP ?????

  11. Lisa truitt says:

    You might have your nutrient levels checked. I was found iodine, iron and vitamin d deficient. Now that I’ve gotten these corrected I had to go off thyroid as it was making me hyper. For a long while I was taking 300-4000 iu of vitamin d and was not able to get off thyroid. It was t until I read Power of vitamin d by an Indian MD can’t remember name and the Jeff Bowles book Miraculous results of high dose vitamin d, my experiment with huge doses that I got over the toxicity brainwashing enough to go up to between 10,000 and 20,000 iu. Within a few days I had to start lowering my dose and eventually quit altogether.

    Personally, I don’t think you are going to get much results from the detox path. I certainly never did. I think you should eat as clean and wholesome as possible but it probably won’t fix the problem unless you address your deficiencies. Also ther is a lot of info out there based on nothing but opinion and emotion regarding how everything is full of toxins, our meat dripping with antibiotics and hormones, etc etc, and this is what is killing us. A guy named Don Matez did a lengthy research project and wrote a paper on this subject. Dons blog is called primal wisdom I think? Something like that. He is really into pastured meats and sustainably raised stuff. His paper was called A Primal Guide to Conventional Beef. He used extensive studies from independent researchers and found that you’d have to eat 200 lbs of beef to get a fraction of a percent of the hormones produced endogenously in your own body. People who eat bull meat get way more hormones than we get in conventional beef. Animal products even conventional are low in toxins because of their livers cleaning up their systems. The highest toxin levels a person consumes are from plants and over ninety nine percent of that is naturally occuring from the plant not from chemicals put on them. Plants make toxins for protection. Some of these are actually antioxidants for us, but many are bad and must be removed by our liver.

    Don is ideologically so opposed to cafo operations, not because the meat is so toxic because the overwhelming weight of evidence shows that not to be true, but because he says that they destroy the topsoil, etc

    So he deleted this excellent work off his site. Too bad as some people have no choice at this point but to eat cafo meats. It would have greatly eased their minds to learn that it is still a good food if that is what you’ve got. Not as dense nutritionally as pastured but still not bad.

    You’ve got to learn to be skeptical before you believe things. Demand some proof.

  12. Lisa truitt says:

    You can still get pieces of info that was in dons original paper at Chris Kressers site if you search on conventional meat.

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