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Comment Of The Day: April 22, 2010

Post Published: 22 April 2010
Category: Comment of the Day
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Bleeding Crisco, by Mike Wilson, our Dear Thyroid letter of the day was, as his letters always are, hysterical, clever, angry and touching. He throws down with his thyroid, yo! We love and appreciate our Thyfellah dearly for it.


Michael, keep those cards and letters coming. We love ya, kid.

The comments were equally uproarious, as always, and intelligent—like nobody’s business.

Today’s comment of the day…

Stephanie says: April 22, 2010 at 11:45 am

OMG! Love you Mike “YOU ROCK! This letter was AWESOME and said everything I wish I had said to my own thyroid! Good for you and Good luck.

Our guest blogger wrote the first of four installations “The Paleo Diet, By David Csonka Part One”. We were nutritionally inspired, made aware of, as David said “Evolutionary, not revolutionary” diet. (Thanks for correcting me, David.) Moreover, so many individuals and patients have done and/or, are doing the Paleo diet. We learned from each other today; it was magnificent.

The healing benefits were incredible, as referenced by patients and non-patients: headache cessation, GI resolution, increased energy, weight loss, and so much more. If you missed it, please catch it.

An excerpt from David’s post: “Paleo is a shortening of the term paleolithic, referring to the period of human history that lasted from approximately two and a half million years ago to 10,000 BC. Evolutionarily speaking 10,000 years is just a blink of the eye, especially considering that humans have existed in their modern form for 200,000 years and as a closely related group of species for much longer than that. During this time, humans ate varying amounts of meat, seafood, vegetables, fruit, and nuts. If it weren’t for the harshness of living in the wilderness, the primitive human would probably have expected to live a long healthy life eating this kind of diet…

Excellent discussion standing ovation, you knocked my socks off.

Today’s comment of the day…

Christine says: April 22, 2010 at 3:59 pm


Thank you for such an informative posting. So much for me to learn, I am still fumbling my way through the nutritional “what is good for me” dark. Trying to figure out what will work for me and help me get me back. From little metabolism (hashi’s, hypo, multi nodular) to thyroid cancer/thyroidectomy, back to extreme hypo and now in the hyper neighborhood;

Right now, after a colonoscopy (yesterday) several polyps (biopsied), diverticulitis, inflammation and infection (also biopsied) I am on a “low residue diet for the next 3 weeks. UGH and UGH again.

I have found, that the less sugar that is in my diet, the better I felt, I’ve had a general problem with gluten “leaky gut” in the absence of “celiac disease. What a GI number it puts me through;

Waiting to see what the biopsy says; before I figure out what the hell to eat next;.

I eagerly await your next post/information.

Truly, Thank you for shedding some light on this subject. It helps more than you know

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Aside: Please continue supporting Dr. Sarah Myhill, to end the witch hunt for this fine doctor in the UK.

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