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No Sex, No Breathing, No Life, And I Have You To Thank For It, Thyroid – Happy?!

Post Published: 05 August 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 10 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Thyroid;

I am overwhelmed when it comes to being okay. Everyone says “We are alright.” You make me sluggish and exhausted after a day of trying to clean house, read a book and other things. I know the weather is hot and cold. You make it hard to breathe, to walk to even make love to my husband. What else could wrong? Oh, now you have hearing door slams and people talking that are not even there. Why did you choose me to suffer or be happy? Other than that, please let us work as a team, not one against the other. I hope you good day with me…

Written by, Faith

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10 Responses to “No Sex, No Breathing, No Life, And I Have You To Thank For It, Thyroid – Happy?!”

  1. sherri jaquays says:

    Dear Faith,
    Your feelings are not alone here. We all feel this way I am sure. For me it is up and down. I am overweight so I can relate to the out of breath feeling. I am however going to try and change that. I just purchased Mary’s book Thyroid Diet and I am going to give it a whirl. I read it and it makes tremendous sense. We are what we eat ! Especially with a thyroid disorder. If I get myself nutritionally correct then maybe the rest of my body will start to feel better. Also my self esteem, which has been out the window ! I wish you luck and know you are not alone !!

  2. faith72 says:

    Thank you so much for the response. It is encouraging to hear I’m not alone. I have so many days where I find it hard to even do anything with anyone,yet I’m told I can’t take naps when I’m overwhelmed with things around me.

  3. Danita says:

    Faith you are SO not alone. I am also suffering with my thyroid, still not on an adequate dosage of meds, and my sex life has suffered too, turning my husband into a jerk because I’m not able to keep up with his insatiable libido. With asthma and being overweight (thanks a lot thyroid) I am always out of breath and tired too.


  4. Lasair says:

    Faith <3 I miss the sensual side or life as well.

  5. Marie says:

    Hey Faith…

    Such a relief to read your letter. My thyroid is underactive and I have all the same symptoms as you. The low sex drive is as bad as the exhaustion for me as I have to deal with being a “bad wife” as well. My husband is incredibly supportive and would never say that or think that but its how I myself feel. Its hard going through life looking “well” when all you want to do is curl up and sleep. It will get better with help as mine is. Its a slow process but we will get there x

  6. Amanda says:

    While my worst symptoms were opposite of yours, I still get it. The brain, mind stuff seems to be the same for all of us thyroid patients. We just want to get back to being comfortable, I hope you get there soon.


  7. Anna says:

    You are certainly far from alone. I too am a bad wife as of late. Throw in my own anger on top of all the physical stuff and it makes it even worse.

  8. It might not be your thyroid’s fault! You might be able to thank Monsanto and Archer-Daniel-Midlands for your thyroid problems if you eat a lot of soy. Soy can wipe out your thyroid pretty fast, especially if you don’t have a LOT of good foods to counteract it. It’s in almost all processed foods, and you get a lot of it everywhere, from the Stop-N-Shop to Whole Foods.

  9. Emma says:

    Hi Faith,

    thank you for your post. My husband finds it hard to believe that I have a libido problem due to my (lack of) thyroid. He thinks I’m not attracted to him anymore (and we’re newly weds). He came across your post and this website himself last night, and I hope this helps him understand my grave’s disease better.

    Thanks again,

  10. Vanessa says:

    I have suffered with an under active thyroid for 2 yrs. Recently I have suffered with breathing problems and the doctors put it down to a chest infection I had. As time went on they gave me a chest X-Ray and it showed nothing wrong. My chest was clear. Never thought it would be down to my thyroid. I even get out of breath talking on the phone! Please reply if you get the same so I know im not alone. I still get it now some months on x

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