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Thyroid, It’s Time For A Gland To Gland

Post Published: 18 August 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
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Dear Thyroid,

Did I say “dear”? Let me rethink that. You haven’t been pulling your weight as of late so that means I am draggin’ more behind! And since you have decided to not pull your weight and do your job, all of the other glandular guys are following your lead. If I talk sweet, will you please start doing your job and talk to the rest of the glandular guys? They need a good example and I would really appreciate it if you would show them how it is done. We used to work so well together and now it doesn’t seem like anything I do is good enough to make you work like you used to or dammit, like you are supposed too!

Were you jealous because no one, including me didn’t pay you any attention? I was the social butterfly and you were the unknown butterfly. Well, I get your point now; you have more dates than I do these days (doctor’s appointments) and it’s a crying shame that you have to drag my tired, old not regulated to the correct temperature, body around with you. I guess this is what I get for not introducing you around when you were going all those places with me.

Well, it’s ok now; I guess I am the one along for the ride.

Last time you went out, the doctor reduced your pills, this time you went back and he changed it back! Would you please pick a nice steady date? I think he has forgotten all about you, since the last time you saw him. Maybe you should find a doc you like that will do you right instead of jerking you around like this!

I haven’t forgotten the good old days. Have you? Are we ever going out when I feel good again! I promise to introduce you to my next date.

Your Heavy Load to Bear,


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2 Responses to “Thyroid, It’s Time For A Gland To Gland”

  1. Lolly says:

    Great Letter Linda looks like your thyroid is the popular one pulling the docs and getting all the attention.


  2. Beautiful letter, Linda! Thanks for sharing with us. I HOPE you can find a doctor that can work with you to figure out the best treatment plan for you and your thyroid!

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