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Tap, Tap Tapazole

Post Published: 01 December 2010
Category: Dear Medication Letters, Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 3 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Tapazole,

I knew the first time the doctor tried to give you to me that you were bad news, but at least you were better than propylthiouracil (PTU). But what choice did I have? My levels were almost four times higher than normal. Too high for surgery and too high for radiation.  I was a walking “thyroid storm” waiting to happen and there was nothing I could do but take you.

But did you really have to try to kill me? I mean, I did NOTHING to you! NOTHING! All I wanted was to get better so I could lead a half way normal life, but noooooo, you have something else in mind. You thought it would be funny to make me so severely allergic to you that I end up in the ER half dead.

Haha, laughs on me. The numbers are still too high for treatment and now I’m allergic to you! Do you have any idea how heart breaking it is to be told that there is nothing the doctors can do except keep me comfortable?

Well the last laugh is on you dear Tapazole. Somehow the doctors got my levels down low enough to give me the radioactive iodine treatment and keep you from killing me. You gave it your best shot, but try to remember next time that I am stronger than you. You might have tried to kill me, but it didn’t work!

I am ALIVE and I am well, and it’s no thanks to you TAPAZOLE!


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3 Responses to “Tap, Tap Tapazole”

  1. Amanda says:

    Yikes. I have heard so many people that have had allergic reactions to Tapazole/Methimazole, I was so scared when I started taking it. So sorry it caused you so much trouble. Glad you were able to have RAI to get things under control. What a mess!
    Be well,

  2. so glad you could have the rai i suppose you just take it for granted that you can automatically have the procedure you poor thing so glad you ok to have it possitve thoughts xxxxxxx

  3. Lolly says:

    Cindy so pleased you are here to tell your story how did they manage to get your levels down enough for you to have RAI? either way I’m so glad they did hope you are much more stable now.

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