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Comment Of The Day March 18, 2010

Post Published: 18 March 2010
Category: Comment of the Day
This post currently has 6 responses. Leave a comment

Today’s letter, No Love Lost was written by LC. Honestly and angrily, she shared the time that she’s lost to her disease, and how radically it transformed her body, mind and life. The impact her disease had on her familial relationships, including the above, is something each of us deeply relates to, in one way or another.

Everyone’s comments were terrific. Once again, our community was strengthened by each person’s willingness to express brutal honesty about their experience of their disease, while lending support to LC. Thank you! Thank you to Christine;

Christine says: March 18, 2010 at 8:24 am

I also wanted to be depressed, suicidal at times, burning hot in the cold of winter, and so moody my family boycotts me…

You are singing my song too. The depression was unbearable at times; to the point of insanity. Here I was a once vibrant, intelligent, CAPABLE woman who wore many hats (cause I could!) and then I was reduced, over time, oh so gradual at first then at breakneck speed into thyroid hell, into this pile of a woman I didn’t recognize. This gland, one single gland in all of my body had reduced me to a woman I neither recognized or cared to know. Could I really blame my family for boycotting me!?! They tried, they had their shinning moments of hope and love for me, but as time went on and my diseased thyroid raged war on me, they became more distant.

I can and have begun to recover from my thyroidectomy. Still playing the numbers to medication game, but I am hopeful. Yes, I said the word HOPEFUL. However, what saddens me to my core, is the time I lost with my husband, children and family. I can never get that back. I can never give them the mother and wife they deserved for so long then.

With hope, comes new beginning, the idea of a “do-over” to some degree. I am just beginning to take back my life, glimmers of hope throughout each day, as I fight, yes FIGHT my way back from thyroid hell into the new light of a healthy day.

Miserable, Depressed, Suicidal, Incomplete, Lost, Confused, Cloudy, Emotional, Tired so very very tired was the way of life THEN; I am hoping for you, for all of us, that it won’t be that way NOW. It shouldn’t be this way for any of us ever!

I stand here today, a woman of a few hats, hats of my choosing, with some control back in my life, who I am and all that I want to be; I have so much time to make up for, so much living to do. I wish for this for all of us, every single day. Getting, taking our lives back!

LC I want for you your life, as you want it, see it, dream it and believe it can be.


In our ongoing Autoimmune Awareness series throughout the month of March, What Awareness Means To Me, Joanna Isbill served a savory dish regarding her experience of thyroid cancer, and the importance of educating those who are unaware, or ignorant. Additionally, Joanna included a few reminders well worth considering.

Thank you to everyone for speaking up and joining our conversation. Thank you for expressing your opinions about what awareness means to you and how you go about spreading awareness. We were gifted with another opportunity to learn more about each other and our respective diseases. Thank you, Dori;

Dori says:

March 18, 2010 at 3:23 pm


Your entry brought tears to my eyes. You and I share the unfortunate fate of having thyroid cancer, and this hit home for me from every single angle. A lot of people I know, including myself, did not have a clue what the thyroid was until they were face-to-face with the topic. Awareness is so important, especially for the young generation who do not think cancer affects them.

Bravo, darling! Keep spreading the word and telling your story.


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6 Responses to “Comment Of The Day March 18, 2010

  1. Hypogirl says:

    Thanks Christine and Dori for writing down your honest feelings. We are standing with both of you!

  2. And thank you, Hypogirl for sharing YOUR HONEST feelings as bravely as you always do. We heart you very hard.

  3. It’s true, sistah!!!!

  4. Dear Thyroid says:

    Plus… As an aside, I know it was difficult talking about the issues thyroid had on your relationship.

    We need to talk about the impact our disorders have on our relationships; easier said than done.


  5. Hypogirl says:

    thanks DT!
    I agree. We need to discuss more the impact our disease play in our daily relationships. It was a little bit of a powder keg for awhile. But one day it clicked – it’s wasn’t me or him – it was this nasty disease. Once the realization came – it was a huge weight. We are going on 13 years together this April 26th!!! 🙂 I loves him! 🙂

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