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What Thyroid Coach, Mary Shomon Can Do For You

Post Published: 22 August 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid News, Thyroid Coach Mary Shomon
This post currently has 9 responses. Leave a comment

Having benefited from thyroid coaching, I can tell you that it’s the best time and money I’ve ever spent. After 1o-years, I finally reached the coveted ‘in-range’. There I sat for 4 months, now 7 months have passed and I am still ‘in range’. With 4-months under my belt, I was still experiencing symptoms and I couldn’t lose weight. I wanted MY LIFE BACK – something we can all relate to. I didn’t know where to turn. At the time, I didn’t have a team of doctors. I wasn’t seeing the right endocrinologist for me. Let me reiterate that statement, I wasn’t seeing the right endocrinologist for me. The endo was fine; our partnership wasn’t a fit. That doesn’t mean she was a bad endo. Learning how to differentiate is very important and also part of the thyroid coaching experience.

As thyroid patients, some of our cases can become complex. Learning how to work with a team of doctors that works well together can be challenging. Living with multiple thyroid diseases, thyroid autoimmune diseases and, or cancers, can feel so overwhelming  that we can’t help but retreat. Moreover, we lose hope and belief in ourselves and in achieving total wellness.

Enter Mary Shomon.

Since my coaching session with Mary Shomon, my thyroid life and personal life has taken a complete 180.

  • I started seeing a new endocrinologist; someone who works in endocrinology, metabolism and hormones. Mary helped me to realize the kind of endo that I needed – analytical, smart, sees me as more than the sum of my numbers and treats the whole person.
  • I started seeing an integrative internist; my go to for everything who would go through my records with a fine tooth comb and hock my endo, if need be, for certain exams and blood work. I was in a desperate place and wanted someone as committed to wellness as I was, and I wanted a brilliant doctor.
  • Mary helped me to hone in on what ‘brilliant’ doctor meant to me. I rattled off a list of what ‘brilliant’ meant to me. She helped me pair it down and interview doctors.
  • Getting my Graves’ Ophthalmopathy under control; I was seeing three GO specialists. Mary helped me to examine my list, so that I could choose one and figure out why I should choose that GO specialist.

Now, as I’ve said, I’ve had an in-range thyroid for 7-months. HERE’S THE DIFFERENCE and this is paramount. I have a team of doctors that work well together. Their goal = my wellness. I like my doctors. I love my internist. I have lost over 20 pounds. My hormones are in great shape. My straggler symptoms are starting to dissipate and most importantly, I am feeling GREAT; filled with hope, enthusiasm and as if, finally, for the first time, that I am in control of my disease, not the other way around.

Thyroid coaching is paramount, especially for those of us who have lost our way and feel completely frustrated, lost and hopeless. Or like our cases have become so unbelievably out of control that we don’t know how to regain control.

Thanks To Mary, we not only have her books, we also have her website and now we have a thyroid coach. I would highly recommend new patients and existing patients unable to get their wellness programs and thyroid into shape, to schedule a session with Mary. The beautiful thing, is that you have an ear full of wisdom to bend. Coaching isn’t about ‘this is what you should do‘; coaching is about looking at your situation through an entirely new lens.

As Mary Shomon says:

coaching is not doctoring — naturally, I don’t prescribe and I don’t diagnose. Nor is coaching just some sort of cover for me to surreptitiously diagnose you, or tell you where to buy medications off-shore so you can be your own doctor. I don’t believe in that. What I do believe in is being prepared, knowledgeable, and empowered. I tell people, “thyroid coaching is like having a friend who is smart about thyroid disease. Instead of having to slowly muddle your way through all the resources, and doctors, and information, you have a conversation that fast-forwards you more quickly up the learning curve. That way, you spend less time researching, reading, and learning the hard way, and much more quickly get to the good part — the part where you get to feel and live well!”

Do yourself, your thyroid and YOUR LIFE a massive favor and schedule a thyroid coaching session with Mary today.

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Reader Feedback

9 Responses to “What Thyroid Coach, Mary Shomon Can Do For You”

  1. Thank you, Katie Katie, Thyroid Lady, for such a lovely post. I will do my best to live up to you kind writeup!! And I’m so proud of all your success in being an empowered patient, and helping others to follow in your footsteps!
    Live well and stay well!!

    • Donna says:

      Hi Mary,

      I just wanted to chime in and tell you that I appreciate all you do for thyroid disease/cancer patients.

      I would have saved myself years of misery if I had done more research and bought a book or two instead of living in denial.

      Thank you.


  2. Thank you, Mary Shomon, Mary Shomon, Mary Shomon! I would not be feeling so great or physically and mentally WELL as I do now but for you.

    I’ve read all of your books and am a devout follower of Thyroid.About.com. When all seemed lost you launched thyroid coaching and I WAS BESIDE MYSELF. That session paired with all of your exceptional work led me back to myself.

    A million thank you’s simply isn’t enough.


    • Donna says:


      Thank you for sharing more of your story. It helps others to better understand your determination and passion about Dear Thyroid when they know what you have been through. I’m thrilled for your progress. I hope it continues. I think it will.

      I too believe in having an integrative internist that will challenge others on your team if necessary. It was my internist, not my endo, that said my levels should have been checked every three months as opposed to annual follow ups only. It is my internist who believes that thyroid issues can mess with everything. She is a partner in my care and I trust her with every bone in my body. She is protective of me. This is coming from me, the person who six months ago thought my former PCP was out to kill me.

      Continued success to you!


      • Donna;

        Right?! A great internist is so difficult to find, but a truly worthy endeavor. My internist rides shmendo like a whore in a brothel. LOVE HER DEARLY FOR IT. Nothing, not a damn thing slips through the cracks on her watch.

        This thyroid journey has been going on for 10 years. I know that crap will surface. For the first time in a long ass time, I finally feel like I’M IN CHARGE of my disease. I have never felt that way in my post-disease life.

        After doing all the research and reading myself into a frenzy, I knew the only way that I was going to figure all of this out was by scheduling a session with Mary. An hour later, BOOM – I had a plan. I just had to implement. I did and now things are moving in a great direction, knock wood.


        I do believe in us. I DO. I DO. I DO.


        • Donna says:

          Me too! Remember what I said: If we reach for the moon we may at least get to touch the stars!

  3. Lolly says:


    That is just great news as I know how up and down things have been over the month for you. I just wish we had someone in the UK like Mary who knows are System so well i wouldn’t think twice about paying out for Life coaching.

    Long may it last and Mary Mary who has a little lamb now called Belle Thank you for all you do for thyroid patients all over the world.

    Katie thanks for sharing You with Us


      Oh, girl you do know what the past six weeks have been like. SCREAM WORTHY. The difference was having that plan and following it. The UK health system has got to be fixed. I truly hope that Dear Thyroid can help. YOU DESERVE THE BEST. You shouldn’t have to suffer. You’ve been through so much hell. I want it to change for you so badly, I could scream.

      So cute about Mary and her lamb, Belle.

      Lolly, YOU ARE AWESOME.


  4. Linny says:

    Dear Mary,
    Thank you for writing the books for all of us with these conditions. I have always felt better about any situation that has come up in my life if I have a book or books I can turn to.
    Having the resources to learn and study helps give me the power and courage to head thing straight on, like boxing gloves.
    Loaded with vinegar I can ask the tough questions knowing knowledge is POWER.
    If we are to be helped completely I feel we need to be knowing ourselves inside and out.
    Dr.’s have such limited time to really understand our fustrations. Going to see them with direct questions and talk to them on a equal level of understanding eye to eye they are aware we are not leaving with just a pat on the back and a prescribtion to trust without question.
    They will give us their best or we will find someone who will.
    The time has come for us to realize that what they do is business as usual to them,a job.
    Don’t misunderstand I am not about hating on DR.s. I respect them very much. But I do feel that the business of Medicine in our country is our of their hands and ours.
    With their limited time aloted them to each of us, BY THE BUSINESS , we can help them help us.
    Thank you for providing the best and trusted opinions you profide. Together we can WIn, apart we are floating fustrations.
    Thank you so very much, Linda Larson
    and my “graves”.

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