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Life Redefined: Why Numbers Matter

Post Published: 31 August 2010
Category: Column, Life Redefined, Thyroid Cancer in Young Adults Column
This post currently has 10 responses. Leave a comment

According to the National Cancer Institute…

1 in 111*: The number of people in the United States who will be diagnosed with thyroid cancer in their lifetime

6.3%*: The increase in incidence of thyroid cancer in the United States between 1997 and 2007

44,670*: The estimated number of people in the United States who will be diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2010

1,690*: The estimated number of people in the United States who will die as a result of thyroid cancer in 2010. Not real enough? Read this.

434, 256*: The number of thyroid cancer survivors still alive in the United States as of January 1, 2007. You need names? Check back in with us tomorrow for a list of survivors who are participating in our awareness campaign.

$12.1 Million**: The decrease in research dollars the National Cancer Institute allocated to Head and Neck Cancers between 2004 and 2008 despite an increase in budget.

Do you see why numbers matter?

Tomorrow marks the beginning of Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month. We need all hands on deck. EVERY voice makes a difference. With the incidence of thyroid cancer on the rise, we need more awareness. We need more support. We need the medical community to be on our team. We need more dollars for research. We need YOU to get involved.

Are you a thyroid cancer survivor? Participate in our survivorship post. Are you a thyroid cancer survivor and a blogger? Participate in our blog tour. Are you passionate about eradicating thyroid cancer? Sign this petition for the Surgeon General to recognize thyroid cancer as a public health issue.

It is NOT too late to get involved! Do your part to make a difference. Do your part to change the numbers. Make the decision right now to take part in the movement to invoke change on behalf of thyroid cancer patients.

What are you doing to raise awareness? We want to know. Tell us your story.

During the month of September, Dear Thyroid™ is standing together with Thycans.com, and Stevie JoEllie’s Cancer Care Fund to raise awareness with one voice. We invite you to join our efforts.


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Reader Feedback

10 Responses to “Life Redefined: Why Numbers Matter”

  1. Donna says:

    Hi Joanna,

    As a follicular thyroid cancer survivor I pledge to:

    -sign the petition
    -download and distribute thyca awareness flyers
    -wear my Dear Thyroid t-shirt often
    -post on my FB wall daily about awareness and share as many links as possible

    This is important. We can help save lives, we can all do a little something and make a big difference. If the lump in my neck was not misdiagnosed as sinus drainage I would have had a better chance of keeping half of my thyroid instead of it all having to go. This is personal to me.

    Thanks for all the information. I’m going to print those statistics and hand them out too.

    Thank you!

  2. HDinOregon says:


    Sobering numbers! Thanks for posting them.

    But statistics don’t mean a thing if it is “YOU LIFE” they’re talking about. To a thyroid cancer sufferer and survivor it is always 100% personal!

    I said if before and say it again: Cancer sucks!


    • HD, I absolutely agree. To a thyroid cancer survivor it is SO PERSONAL. Statistics don’t mean much because you’re already living it!

      BUT, I also think there is a time when the statistics DO matter. Like when we’re trying to secure research dollars, or when we’re trying to convince congress that this is a public health issue, or when we’re trying to convince our friends and family to check their necks!


      • HDinOregon says:


        I fully agree with you that there are times when statistics matter. As you said, when it is important to raise funds for awareness research (and I might add for better training for doctors on thyroid related diseases).

        Take care,

  3. M says:

    We are our own advocates and nothing will change until we make a stand.

    I am a victim, I say victim b/c I didn’t ask to be chosen, of a thyroid disease. I’m not a thyroid cancer survivor (hat’s off to y’all) but I have met many who are and agree on the points you mentioned above. This particular cancer is a silent one, because people don’t talk about it.

    I’ll do my part to raise awareness and draw attention to this disease. It’s time to rally together! I signed the form and will encourage others to do so by posting on a few professional links that I belong to. May many voices link to become one!

  4. Nicole Wells says:

    Dear Joanna,

    Petition SIGNED! Question: why did the budget dollars increase yet the money put into research DECREASE at the National Cancer Institute for head and neck cancers? Do we need to bust an expose or WHAT?

    You rock.



  5. You can add me to your survivor’s list.I was diagnosed in 12/09 with follicular carcinoma and micro papillary carcinoma after total thyroidectomy in 11/09. Had RAI treatment in 1/10 and then follow up whole body scan. I am now awaiting first year scan, waiting for thyrogen medication to become readily available. Have been having same pain , ache again in my neck, jaw, collar bone and shoulder as i did previous to my surgery.Has anyone else experienced this, it is making me slightly nervous. Would love to hear your thoughts on this. My endo sent me for ultra sound because of swelling but came back saying no tumors, now just waiting for scan.

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