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Become A Dear ThyMentor

Post Published: 19 August 2010
Category: Become a Thyroid Mentor, Need A Thyroid Mentor
This post currently has 49 responses. Leave a comment

We had an idea, what else is new?! We thought it would be fabulous to bring community members who have had thyroid cancer and thyroid disease for a long time together with new inductees into the Jacked Thyroid Club. Being a thyroid mentor isn’t about giving advice; it’s about being there for someone recently diagnosed, listening to what they’re going through and providing resources to help them get through. If we apply the pay it forward theory, ‘mentees’, in time, will become mentors and so on and so forth.

If you’re interested in being mentored or mentoring, please leave a note in comments and, or email us and in the subject line, please write “I need a mentor” or “I’d like to mentor a new thyroid patient”.



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49 Responses to “Become A Dear ThyMentor”

  1. Donna says:

    I would love to be a mentor please 🙂

  2. Lolly says:

    Great Idea.

  3. Fantastic idea…and just what I was looking for in those early, confusing days!

  4. Jenn says:

    As Thyliciously grateful ThyCa survivor, I would love to mentor another ThyCa survivor. I believe that we are survivors from the day we are diagnosed with cancer. That is when the fight begins. So please sign me up to join forces with more thyroid cancer survivors. Nobody needs to go through it alone.

  5. Linny says:

    Barbara Leigh has been my Mentor for several years now. She has helped me more than I could ever say.
    I really had no one.
    I left my life behind in one state where I lived for Nearly 15 yrs, including my College buddies. And started live over not once but THREE times.
    First I was widowed, then fell prey to a manic man and thru him out. Then moved back home where my family lived. I did remarry a wonderful man helped him raise his 2 kids as well as my own 2 kids, a couple of dogs, heartbroken children his, mom left and mine as I told you. Well I held on and did my best and then
    I FELL APART>>>>>>SICK SICK and no support system but my wonderful husband. For fear of wearing him out and loosing “our” live too. I befriended Bara.
    She was heavensent is my mind.
    But I was a heavy load.
    She did not buckle.
    I leaned on her heavily. But she never left me.
    Be sure those of you who consider this WONDERFUL
    offer can really handle someone like me.
    I don’t think I could have taken any more disappointment….I know wonderful people are out there and I hope you do this.
    I just thought you should know
    what we on the heavy deal side make bring.
    Not everyone can be there for someone like me.
    It is very hurtful when you reach out to grab a hand and it pulls away.
    Reality check, Linny

  6. Linny says:

    I sure wouldn’t want to scare anybody from Terri’s idea here……..I just wanted people to “really” commit to this process.
    {besides I heard from Bara privately, she didn’t think I was so bad}
    I think if I may suggest, more than being all textbook aware , be more about compassion.
    Some of you may find in one of these “discussions” a certain natural connection with another. A new kid on the block, so to say.
    Everybody’s needs are different.
    Some do want to talk Textbook.
    Some want you to just care.
    So don’t shy away now, just be REAL~!
    I believe it WILL be a JOY for both connecting.
    Like Bara told me, we BOTH got a lot out of it.
    Medically speaking, I was more willing to try Holistic, some like my family think that just “nuts”.
    {I do believe in fairy’s I do belief in….}
    Well my point is different solutions for different folks.
    None of us know enough about this stuff to possibly rule ANYTHING OUT>
    remember Christoper Columbus? Well The folks back home told him is was going to fall of the edge of the Earth if he sailed too far! HA
    Well then I got that off my chest.
    I just felt so……concerned that people don't get hurt. TRUELY that was my only concern.
    Sincerely, Linny

  7. Lolly says:


    It’s great that you found a good friend when you needed one the most someone who was there to liten to you, and guide you along the way.

    I think this is what Katie has in mind it isn’t just about giving advice because the advice you give can effect someones life it’s about offering a hand of thyupport to someone who is new at this doesn’t understand what is going on. Needs someone to say everything going to be okay ww will get you through this.

    we all know what it was like when were first diagnosed confused so much to take it, It’s nice to know that there are others out there that have been there understand what you are going through and can be there for you to lean on when you need them the most.

    I have made some great friend over the years people that where there for me when I needed them the most and we still continue to remain really close we helped each other. where i bought a smile to there face they helped me understand my disease and without them I don’t think I would be here today. They were my Rock when I needed it, a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on.

    I hope that I too have helped others over the years the same way I was helped.

    If anyone does need a Mentor I would like to offer a my hand of support. I have Graves disease and TED.


  8. Linny says:

    Thank you Lolly, I can tell we are on the same page.
    You would be excellent and anyone would be blessed to have you in their corner.
    I see your support right here at DT. You are a Pillar of spirit. With a dash of humor……the best cocktail~!
    While I write this to you, I couldn’t find the “page” to add this thought. If you have it feel free to cut and paste~!
    If I could add one more thought…..
    It’s true our various ailments are unique to each of us
    In light of this I would suggest that one would never consider measuring anyone’s pain.
    There are some things that never should be compared or measured. LOVE, SORROW, SUFFERING, etc……
    It is true that these connected ~linked illnesses of ours have been understudied. But to compare them is pointless and unnecessary. They all need cures. We all need answers. Cancer is a horrible health risk. But so is Heart Attack, Stroke, HIV, to name but a few.
    None of us are getting out of here alive. Our days are numbered as we arrive. We are all seeking a quality of our lives to be enjoyed. We are ALL deserving~! Our illnesses as our stories complicate this effort. Let no one feel unintitied to pursue this same right.
    Whatever we are facing with Our various titles, Let medical,family , friends, PEOPLE not judge us or our disabilities as minor. But rather help us recover a life worth living and enjoying.
    Heartfelt , Linny

    In a message dated 8/22/2010 3:25:15 A.M. Central Daylight Time, katie@dearthyroid.com writes:
    There is a new comment on the post “Become A Dear ThyMentor”.

  9. Ellen S says:

    I’m a Graves’ patient post RAI with Hashi’s kids and pets. Would love to be a mentor!

  10. pmerr says:

    I’d love to be a mentor!

  11. unearthingem says:

    Can it work both ways? I would love to help those who have just been diagnosed/started out.

    (I’d also like a mentor too.)

  12. yallolorry says:

    what a great idea and I feel the same way as unearthingem, I’d be really happy to be able to help people who are newly diagnosed but I would also love to have a mentor who has more experience of this than me. I was diagnosed just over a year ago, I’ve learned a lot and hope I could help support someone else who’s new to the whole thing, but I also still feel I’m at sea with it all sometimes, it would be great to have someone to refer to. What are the next steps, to progress with both options?

    • Sharklet says:

      Hi Yallolorry, From a 45-yo Mum of one, who was diagnosed almost four years ago with very hyperactive Graves Disease.
      I’m stable now, just about and not taking any ATDs. I’m going for a blood test this week and really hoping I will be in the normal range, as I have been for more than a year now. I’m learning more about keep the gland happy as I go along and hoping I can stop myself going hypo now that I’ve managed to wean myself, very slowly off ATDs. 🙂

  13. lizette says:

    I am 26 years old and have just recently been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. While there is so much information about hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism doesn’t seem to be as common. It would be great to be able to connect with someone who has experienced some of the symptoms that I am just discovering.

    • Ellen S says:

      Lizette, I am a Graves’ Disease patient from way-back. I would love to connect with you if you like. We can share stories and experiences about being hypERthryoid. You’re right, it’s not as common, but there are lots of us out there. You are NOT alone!!! Feel free to get in touch with me via Twitter. I’m @ESchnak. I’m also available at the website linked to in my name here.

  14. Hi Lizette – So sorry that you’re dealing with hyperthyroidism. Please do start reading FAT THIGH-ROID WOES; it’s a hyperthyroid column. I’ll post this on FB, so people can jump on and join the Thymentor program.

    Please feel free to email me katie@dearthyroid.org for more resources and information.

    You aren’t alone. I’m very sorry that you have to deal with this disease.


    • lizette says:

      I started reading and it’s such a new perspective for me-I love it! Thanks so much for recommending it, Katie! 🙂

  15. Lyndsey says:

    Hello. I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer in May 2009. After struggling with the reality and debating on getting the thyroidectomy, I gave in and had my thyroid removed and had RAI in September of 2009. I’m a single mother with a stressful traveling job that requires long hours. I’ve been battling with the side effects of the synthroid (insomnia, anxiety, body temperature changes, mood swings) all the while trying to maintain my life. It’s been nice reading these postings and realizing I’m not alone. I try to pretend like I’m ok, but I’m not. I’m still trying to figure out the new me. I’m no longer the entergetic, laid back person I used to be and it’s hard trying to make the others in my life understand considering I have the “good cancer”. I can honestly say at this point if I had to do it all over again I wouldn’t have gone through with the complete thyroidectomy. I hope one day I feel different, but I’m missing the old me. The new me is exhausting and complicated. I would love to have a mentor. Please sign me up 🙂

    • Sharklet says:

      Hi Lyndsey,from another Graves patient in Dublin,Ireland. I’m also a single Mum, who used to have a stressful job involving travel. I was diagnosed in 07 and refused surgery on gland and eyes. Am in normal range now but still struggling to birth the new me. If you’d like to hook up and share woes, rants advice etc, I’m shan.sharklet@gmail.com 🙂

  16. Mary says:

    Count me in. Mary

  17. Linda Edwards says:

    I would love to mentor. I have hypothyroidism / Hashimoto’s syndrome. I’ve been dealing with this disease for 20+ years, but just recently got diagnosed. If I can help, please do not hesitate to contact me. While I’m not an expert, I’m more than willing to share. I know when I first got on Facebook, the greatest joy I had was finding others who were experiencing the same things as I was going through. It gave me the strength to keep looking for the right doctor and it gave me such a sense of peace that I wasn’t completely insane. Linda (genmum@yahoo.com)

  18. @ Lizette – I TOTALLY hear where you’re coming from! Having drifted along the Undiagnosed Highway for so long, assuming I was hypo…when I was finally officially diagnosed as Hyper/Graves I scoured the internet, the local library and the book stores for all I could find on hyERthyroidsim, and was bitterly disappointed to find there was so little info out there…its as if hyperthyroidism is so insignificant that its not worth writing about.
    I was greatful for the small nuggets of information I could find, but it really is as if many of the thyroid authors just mention it out of politeness, before going back to their favourite subject – hypothyroidism.

    • lizette says:

      Yes, it’s already disheartening to find out that your thyroid is acting up, but then to realize that you’re in an even smaller category of the overall picture makes it more difficult. I’m glad that you were finally diagnosed after not knowing for so long. Thanks for sharing–it really does make me feel less alone. 🙂

  19. cas95667 says:

    Good morning…my story is much like Lyndsey’s. I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer in September 2009. Two surgeries in October, ending up with a total thyroidectomy, and RAI in December. It has been just about a year and what a year it has been. I too have struggled with finding the “new” me and putting a lot of effort into being okay on the outside although kind of falling apart on the inside. Even though its been a year I still feel like I have so much to learn, I learn something new almost every day. Although it may not all be new, I still have “fuzzy brain syndrome” and tend to forget things! I am very lucky to have a wonderful family and true friends who really do try…but unless you’ve lived it you don’t really get it. I would love a mentor and hopefully one day can be one myself.

  20. tami says:

    I was diagnosed a year ago with hyperthyroidism/graves.I really need a mentor/friend who understands.

    • Ellen S says:

      Tami, it’s great to “meet” you. I am a Graves’ patient from way back. If you’d like to connect we can talk about hypERthryoidism and our experiences as patients. There is a lot to learn, but if I can do it, you can do it. Most importantly, remember that you are NOT alone! You can reach me via the link in my name on this post here, or via twitter. I’m @Eschnak.

  21. Kim_Online says:

    I have just recently been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease after spending 15 years of being “treated” for hypothyroidism. I could really use a mentor or just a friendly ear (or eyes as the case may be) Count me in.

    • Merrit says:

      Hi Kim:

      I’m here for you. I have Hashimoto’s too. There are not many docs out whom try to get to the root cause of Hashimoto’s. They typically only treat symptoms all the while the real problem is just getting worse. The true source of our disease is our immune system. The immune system is complicated and I think many docs have gotten lazy about keeping up on new information and research. The auto immune population is largely under served. I have some great docs, but it is a long process on the road to wellness and can be frustrating at times. Keep an eye on Dr. Conner’s posts. He really seems to know what he is talking about. I’ve found that conventional medicine has its place for running labs, etc., but I’m best served by alternative practitioners who deal with autoimmune diseases. As crazy as it may sound it is usually alternative practitioners whom stay abreast of current research and whom truly work on your behalf. Aside from that I’m here for you even if your just having a rough day or even a good day.

      Hang in there.

  22. MariLaFea says:

    If someone with Hashimoto’s needs a mentor message me. 🙂

  23. Amber says:

    I would love to have a mentor. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I just 16 years old and am now 29. You’d think I’d have this whole ‘thyroid’ thing under control, but I feel like I am just now dealing with the devastation of having this disease, 13 years later. In 2009 I had my first child and that set my thyroid off on a rampage…one which I am still recovering from. I have seen dozens of doctors and have never felt supported by any of them, leaving my to feel hopeless, frustrated, and hormonally insane. I am desperate to find someone who has been hypo and found ways to maintain sanity while also having healthy pregnancies. I just want to feel like I am not alone in this and desperately need guidance and support!

  24. Sharklet says:

    Hi Amber,
    It’s great that you have conceived a child despite struggling with hypothyroidism for 13 years. Childbirth is a massive immunological event for the body. I think it’s a bit like switching the computer on and off again. It really takes the body a long time to get its endocrine balance right again afterwards. And it’s not easy cooking for kids while also trying to stay healthy yourself. That’s one of my biggest challenges right now. My Graves was diagnosed about nine months after I returned to work, or two years after my daughter’s birth. It’s taken me a lot of work to get my hormones stable again, but I feel I’ve learnt a lot through this journey. I started off by reading books – a great investment – as I re-read my favourite ones over and over andthen by buying the supplements that seem to have worked in correcting my imbalances. Meeting people through Dear Thyroid and other thyroid sites has been a great support for me too, so if I can be any help to you, please ask away. It’s hard to find doctors who are sympathetic and knowledgeable. My top tip for staying sane is to join a gym or to try to get 30- 45 mins excercise every day as that will stimulate your system. Yoga, pilates and saunas seem to work for me. And dancing like no-one is watching. 🙂 Shan

    • Amber says:

      Thanks so much for the response, it’s always nice when you feel like you are not the only person on earth going through it! I have been trying my best to stay positive and be thankful that I was able to carry full term and that I now have a very healthy, beautiful little boy! Some days are better than others, and I am constantly battling thoughts in my head about will I ever feel normal again, will I be able to achieve pregnancy again, is my thyroid what caused complications with my son (I developed severe pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome at about 38 wks…a very traumatic experience that I am also sadly still trying to deal with), and what the heck happens when my thyroid officially is “dead”?! My postpartum thyroiditis is essentially burning out what little function I did have left of my thyroid, and unfortunately I really didn’t become knowledgeable on the subject until a few years back…for most of my childhood and adolescence I just thought it was normal to feel like crap all the time! I am taking additional supplements which do seem to help some, but I agree that exercise is the way to try and ease along the hormones…the problem is I have been SO hypo that some days I can barely gather enough energy to play and feed my son. On the days that I do work out, I am exhausted for days afterwards, which is discouraging.
      On a more positive note, I do feel like this entire experience has taught me a lot about myself. In the event that I would go through this all again with my second child, at least I will have developed some coping techniques and be able to tell myself I did it once and came out alive so I can surely do it again! I guess it is only making me a stronger person, in some ways.
      Thyroid disease runs in my family…nearly 3 generations of women have it. What kind of treatment are you getting for Graves? Did you have your thyroid removed? Would love to talk with you more if you’d like!

  25. Merrit says:

    I would really like to be a thymentor or mentee. I’ve had Hashimoto’s for about 30 years, but only received my official diagnosis about a year ago, so I’m new and old to this crazy thing. I’ve done a ton of research because I realized that Dr.s don’t know enough about autoimmunity or thyroid issues and I wanted to make sure I knew everything I could about the disease and any other related diseases because I felt I needed to be my own advocate since I went undiagnosed for about 30 years. I know all too well the need to feel supported through this crazy journey and I think I could benefit both from a mentor and from mentoring someone else.

  26. Lauren says:

    I am another face of thyroid disease. After the birth of my daughter last June I had postpartum depression which eventually I found out was due to an enlarged goiter or hyperthyroidism. I had a thyroidectemy in November and now I am hypo. I hate it. I am taking 150mgs of synthyroid but my tsh levels are high 7.0. Next endocrinologist appointment is in may. I am available to mentor and I am actually looking for a mentor.


  27. Brandy says:

    I’ve been a thyroid victim/survivor for 15 years. I’d love to help share my experiences and help newbies navigate the frustration. It can be controlled and I just listened to a podcast by a Dr. Ben who basically nailed it when it came down to dealing with thyroid issues.

  28. Sharon says:

    Hi! I’ve just been diagnosed (post-partial thyroidectomy biopsy was positive), and will have to have the other half of my thyroid out in a few weeks. Any insights, and lots of positive support would be appreciated!


  29. Beth Harris says:

    I had Thyroid cancer and a total thyroidectomy about 8 years ago. I am a 44 year old woman with an active lifestyle. I just went through a bout of Hyperthyroidism due to losing weight. It was a harrowing experience, and my Endo told me to wait it out. Instead, I did research and found that copper and trace minerals and certain vitamins can heal HyperT. Literally, I began taking the supplements and within a few hours my symptoms had dissipated.
    When I told my Endo about this, he belittled me. It was shocking. He’s the Chief of Medicine at a major hospital and my doctor of 8 years. It broke my heart. The symptoms of HyperT can be so debilitating and yet a brilliant doctor won’t even acknowledge that there might be an easy cure, an easy remedy. Please contact me if you are suffering from Hyperthyroidism. I want to help.

  30. welcome_back says:

    I was hyper and instead of having it removed I tried Homeopathic medicine. It work for a while but then I went Hypo.. After years of that I decided to radiate my thyroid only to be told they were unable to do that because of the amount of radiation they would have to give me. I’ve been through 3 endocronoligists. Not one ever really listening to me. I’ve gained over 40lbs. tired all the time, low libido. I just tried a new supplement called anatabloc. my thyroid antibodies went from 3655 U/ml to 300 U/ml. My t3 is still low but I have only been on it for 16 days. I am urging you all to do some research on it. It is for inflammation.You can find more info through anatabloc.com they also have a facebook page with other peoples results. I think it’s worth looking into.

  31. moniz says:

    I am a former toxic multinodal goiter HypERthyroid post Total Thyroidectomy NOT Graves NOT Cancer patient. Elementary school kids and pets. Not the most common around here at all.
    Would love to be a mentor.

  32. Sharon says:

    Hi!! I’m in Central Illinois, and am now about three months post-total Thyroidectomy. I had papillary cancer (post-partial thyroidectomy dx) with spread, and Hashimoto’s, which I had dealt with without meds for years. Am now about to go through the process of screening for breast cancer, which may or may not be related to my ThyCa. Would love to be a mentor – have been a board certified hypnotist and life coach for years, and now am finding new meaning and joy in my work. We are all so much more than our diagnoses!!

  33. hanna says:

    7 years ago I had half of my thyroid removed and now what I have left is enlarged. I would love to be a mentor to help anyone going through this!!

  34. Eryn says:

    I would love a thyroid mentor. I have just recently been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had a complete thyroidectomy and neck dissection. I am really having trouble processing all of this and would really love to speak with someone else who has gone through a similar experience. 🙂

  35. Erica says:

    I am recently diagnosed with Hashi’s. I would love a supportive ear and good advice! I was so positive when first diagnosed. It was exciting to have an answer to my problems. I am now discovering that while this answers my major “What is wrong with me?” question, there are a ton of other questions left unanswered. If you are interested and looking foir a connection, drop me a line @ erica.ernewein@gmail.com.

    Thanks, and best of luck to you all!!

  36. coburngirl says:

    Absoulutely would love to be a mentor. Thyroid cancer survior, RAI treatment done, and followup scans in a few months.

  37. Mags McCallum says:

    I believe I would make a good mentor as I had my full thyroid removed at the age of 15 due to hyper and complications,now my thyroid has went the other way, I am now 44 and will have hypo for the rest of my life, but only last year my 10yr old was diagnosed and has the constant weakness and painsas well as all the mri scans blood tests medication ect her full world was turned upside down, and as a mum it forced me to learn so much more about this disease than I knew as a sufferer,and I would love the opportunity to try and help others deal with there issues and fears.

  38. Debs says:

    Hi I have just been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism on the 14th August. This is all new to me and I am struggling to remain energetic. These symptoms were with me for a long while but my doc didnt notice it. Only as it has increased I was sent for a T test. Reall need a mentor.

  39. vanishree says:

    I was diagonised with hyperthyroidism and struggled with it for almost twelve years. I had severe chronic fatigue syndrome and found ways,alternative therapies to treat my condition. I followed yoga, accupressure and supplements to treat my hyperthyroid condition. I have used simple techniques to put an endto my hyperthyroid condition. I wish to share my experiences in by blog. Pls visit my blog for further information.

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