We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Sunday May 5th 2024


Marco Thylo Change In The Gland Canyon

Post Published: 12 November 2009
Category: Humor Columns, Thyroid humor column
This post currently has 8 responses. Leave a comment

Speaking for myself, embracing change is difficult. Oh, who the fuck am I kidding, it’s impossible, especially if change is forced upon me; than I can be a no-joke snatch-stick on wheels. Like when I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease. That’s another story for another day, isn’t it? Being a chronic duality, of course, outside of having GD, I do embrace some (working on it), not all, change. I love new beginnings, deeming them as having the power to invoke unexpected further change.

Let’s take the migration of Dear Thyroid’s old site to the new site as an example. You’ve all shown me how beautifully change can be embraced YOU’RE DOING IT. I am so proud of you! We have a new site, and yes, it’s different, but it’s exciting and new. And we will find our way,

We’ve just launched Dear Thyroid Meet-ups locally. And so many of you have jumped on board; I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your receptivity to this idea. I believe so hard in the power of online/offline support and community, our community. WE NEED EACH OTHER, evidenced by what we’ve created here. The ability to support each other offline too, well, that’s a dream come true. So much so, it brings tears to my eyes. We have one meet-up scheduled in Pembroke and two more soon to be scheduled in Chicago, Raleigh, Minneapolis and Marin County. I want us to keep this going and continue our Meet-up/Tweet-up Dear Thyroid endeavors. Believe me; I will be hocking youse aplenty!

Keeping with the theme of our community, the sacred space that we’ve created, we are committed to bringing greater change to improve OUR collective quality of support. And, and, and, to give face to this disease and continue giving it a voice — to create awareness and so much more. Keep writing letters and sending them in. Keep sharing your stories: good, bad, happy, sad, whatever it is, whatever you feel, write, write, write your hearts and guts out.

Sigh; now that I’ve hocked everyone to death, shall we move onto this week’s searches? Oh, wait; did you all see November’s Dear Thyroid Flickr Pool? The theme is SYMPTOMS. Please submit your photos and blurbs! We also added more T-shirts and things to the Dear Thyroid Store.


  • Dear Thyroid Alcohol: Not a bad idea. Who’s up for creating DT Hooch? I say we call it, Thyshine.
  • 1 Month Detox Torture: That’s the point, sugar. Eventually, you’ll be glad you did it because you’ll feel so great. Try the Liver Detox Challenge. Good pain right there, yo.
  • All Food Ruins Your Thyroid: Seriously, Dramarella?! Not all food, just 99.9 , ¾% of food.
  • Apathy Means Thyroid Issues: Here’s a thought; FUCK YOU. Apathy does not beget a thyroid issue (Katie, what’s with you jumping on the snatch express so quickly? I’m protective of my tribe, yo).
  • Can a Bad Thyroid Kill You: Why yes it can, or at the very least, leave you feeling like you have one foot on the peel. It’s fun; wanna join the Jacked Thyroid Club? Membership in the Gland Canyon has its benefits, really it does.
  • DearThyroid.org:  Wait, were you trying to say, Dear Thyroid Orgy? Try Thyrgy.

It’s been an interesting week, wouldn’t you say?



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Reader Feedback

8 Responses to “Marco Thylo Change In The Gland Canyon

  1. Robyn says:

    For sure, I can tell you a bad thyroid means apathy. I SWEAR I can chart my T4 based on my level of motivation. Motivated? I’m in the normal range! Apathetic? I’m too low! Frequency? So far, every few hours!

  2. lori says:

    Katie, you are so freakin funny. Who said we can’t laugh our arses off even if we feel like our thyroid, or lack thereof, is going to kill us or we have “one foot on the peel”. LMAO! The Gland Canyon benefits are TOPS! It just may be the laughter that heals me! 🙂

    So glad you proposed the offline support idea as well and I know with love and patience, it will grow and be bigger than any of them out there. This *change* is a good thing!

    I should be working but my mouse keeps clicking on Dear Thyroid and I keep finding something funny and inspirational to read.

    I don’t want to even think about where I’d be if Dear Thyroid hadn’t landed in my path. When I think back over my journey to thyroid hell, there have been people that have come and gone, but the amazing thing is these people have appeared when I was so desparate or when I ran into a brick wall and didn’t know what to do next. The Dear Thyroid community however, I believe, will continue to grow because it is a positive community that keeps giving and giving, and giving, and giving, and you get the point.

    Thyrellas and thyfellas, thank you all for sharing your stories, they really do keep me going!


  3. katie says:

    Hi Robyn;

    I hear you and I get where you’re coming from. I guess i misunderstood the search. I thought the individual meant that apathy led to thyroid disease and issues, which is why I said “Fuck you”. I thought it was insulting to thyroidians everywhere.

    Now, I see what you’re saying! Makes poifect sense.

    Thanks for clearing that up.


  4. katie says:


    I feel so inspired right now, I don’t know where to throw myself. I mean it!

    Thank you — We do make up quite a unique bunch, don’t we?


  5. Lolly says:


    I love you, you always bring a smile to my face.
    Like you I don’t embrace change too well,but i get there in the end sometimes we are left with no choices and it’s forced upon us meaning thyroid as for the site I love the new Look. Took me a little while to get used to it.

    I think having a disease makes you change you have no choice if you want to survive…

    Now as for the Dear Thyroid Meet-up..it’s times like this I wish I didn’t live so far away.. I would love to meet up with you all maybe one day.I plan on coming to the USA next year so maybe we can arrange it around there other than that get your fucking asses to the UK, coffee ,tea and scones at Lolly’s place.

    I love this place and so glad I found you all here.
    And besides who’s gonna make you laugh so much if I ain’t around and who I got to make me laugh when I need to.


  6. Stephen says:

    I am testing the subscribe to comments feature

  7. dearthyroid says:


  8. Lolly says:

    Still not working for me Stephen.

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