We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Thursday May 2nd 2024


Dr. Sara Gottfried

Dr. Sara Gottfried: Donates her time to write a weekly column for Dear Thyroid about Hormone and Thyroid Health

About Dr. Sara Gottfried, M.D.

I believe in evidence-based ancient wisdom.

I believe in eating your leafy greens rather than popping synthetic pills. I believe in Ayurveda and integrative medicine. I believe in using yoga to cultivate your most vibrant vitality (and teach a workshop on it, natch). I believe you deserve to feel sexy, ripe and delicious.

I believe PMS is a legitimate health concern, no different than a sprained ankle (albeit a recurring one) or a broken leg and I believe the health issues unique to women have been shamed and minimized and mocked and caricatured for far too long. There’s no reason for women to be ashamed about menstruating or menopause or to be embarrassed about being women. I believe that needs to change. I believe in changing it. I believe in women. I believe in tending your flame. I believe that proactively managing and optimizing your health is your divine responsibility and path to personal power. I believe there’s probably a reason you’ve lost your mojo and that reason is probably hormonal. And I believe you can – and should – do something about it. I believe in you.

I believe, I believe, I believe.

About me, Sara Gottfried, MD:

Believer, See’er, Do’er, Doctor, Writer.

I don’t only believe. I know, and I do.

I’m a mother suspicious of processed sugar and a yogini hotly pursuing lithe, lean lusciousness. I’m committed to deep green, organic living. I’m a scholar and a seeker: of truth, vitality, hormonal balance, sacred balance, spirituality and divine self-actualization.

And, oh yes, I’m a Harvard-trained MD with 20+ years of experience. I’m the author of the forthcoming book, The Hormone Cure.

I’m a gynecologist, but I don’t treat problems. I don’t even treat symptoms: I specialize in root cause analysis because I know – and evidence shows – that the greatest health transformations are triggered when you address the root cause, not the signs.

This means that rather than treating problems and symptoms, I treat people. I treat women. I see women – and what I see every day is that each woman is a special snowflake. Sometimes I prescribe botanical therapies with a very low risk profile. Sometimes I prescribe bio-identical hormones. Many times I prescribe both. With every patient I see, I consider her unique context, physiology and preferences…and then invent a treatment plan to promote maximum health and happiness. It’s not one method fits all. It’s not fix-’em-up-and-send-’em-home. It’s a mission.

And my mission at The Gottfried Center – and in life – is to help women feel sexy, vital and balanced from their cells to their souls.

So…I’m a scholar, seeker, yoga teacher and a doctor. It’s serious, sacred stuff.


Imma be honest. I frequently quote The Blackeyed Peas.

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Sara Gottfried, MD


FAN Dr. Gottfried’s Facebook page for updates, news and resources.