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Comment Of The Day: June 13, 2010

Post Published: 13 June 2010
Category: Comment of the Day
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Flying With Broken Wings: Curious Cures, Rank Remedies and Questionable Quacks, written by Sarah Downing, was absolutely outstanding. She took us on a cultural and historical tour of medicine and thyroid disease. Here is an excerpt from her column “I started off by researching the history of thyroid disease and was surprised and impressed to learn that the Chinese were treating goiters with iodine-containing burnt sponge and seaweed as far back as 1600 B.C.”

If you missed it, please catch it, especially if you’re interested in history and medicine, and learning more about the origin of thyroid disorders.

Thank you to everyone for sharing your input and insights. You’re all so thyilliant. We appreciate you more than you know.

Today’s comment…

Miriam says:

What an interesting article Sarah. Thanks for researching this, I was horrified reading all those treatments that people those days thought were cures for common illnesses that modern medicine cures today.

Ugh!! I was astounded at the treatment they used in those days. The thought of drinking urine and other horrendous treatments is unrepeatable!!! So glad I didn’t live in those times and having to endure those horrendous treatments. Though I suppose future generations will say the same about medical treatments in the 21st century. Medicine has certainly advanced a great deal in the last few hundred years.

I know people are living longer thanks to the advancement of medicine and reading all the horrific medical treatments I can well understand why people died much younger than we do these days!!

Keep those interesting articles coming. I certainly look forward to reading them every week .

Thyme For Literary Healing: Just How Many ZZZZ’s Are You Catching, In today’s Thyme for Literary Healing, we’re going to discuss sleep. We love it. We need it. We want it. Or, we’re getting too damn much of it. We’re going to ask you a few Q’s regarding your sleep issues and habits in the hope that you join us for this afternoon’s discussion about thyroid and sleep.

We certainly have our sleep issues; whether the gland has got your REM in Hypothyroid mode or Hyperthyroid Mode, one thing is certain; nobody is sleeping! I think the more we share our stories about sleep, the more we learn about what each other goes through, and our individual diseases. Speaking for myself, I learned so much from all of your input. Another thing I absolutely LOVED about today’s comments was that each person shared what they’ve done to try and get some sleep.

Really brilliant! If you haven’t read it, please do, and add your comments.

Today’s comment…

Miriam says:

I have Hypo. I rarely sleep longer than 4-5 hours sleep. I tend to Some days I do have a better nights sleep but not often. Sort of got used to it. I try to relax and read a bit before I go to sleep. I always find it takes me ages to get myself going on a morning and often get frustrated cos half the morning has gone before I find the energy to get dressed for the day. Mind you, if I have to be out early, and then I force myself to get up and out, and depending on my energy levels as the day goes on, I often end up napping later on in the day cos of my early start!!

How I long to be able to sleep 8 hours continuously, if only my body would let me!!!

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