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Comment Of The Day: June 25, 2010

Post Published: 25 June 2010
Category: Comment of the Day
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Often, while people watching, my mind drifts. I create back-stories for people; wondering about the stock their made of. Today, stuck in traffic, though I wasn’t people watching, I thought about Dear Thyroid. Tonight, I re-read Nicole’s column and Susan’s letter, and each prolific comment. Rendered teary eyed, yet brimming in adoration, respect and love, for each human being that makes up this community; I understood on a much deeper level, the stock you are made of.

You’re Grade-A squared. Every single day, with gusto, affection and candor, you exemplify kindness, to lend a helping hand, provide an ear to bend, a resource, or a missive that states “I’m here. I want to be here. I want to listen. I care about you.” I think this is rare and speaks volumes about you, and the stock you’re made of.

Onto today’s feast, and feast like kings and queens, we did.

Like a Rollercoaster that Goes Down, but Never Comes Back Up, Susan’s Dear Thyroid letter chronicled her story with thyroid cancer and weight, and anger, and a plea to the community for help. She reached through the screen and grabbed our attention with her prose. “This is my body and I have to live it the rest of my life. I want it fixed. I want to lose weight so I don’t hurt in my bones, my back, my mind. I want to feel better about myself. Going to therapy doesn’t help (been there done that), meds don’t help (been there, done that too).

Her plea did not fall on deaf ears.

Today’s comment…

michellegutie says:

I became emotional after reading your post Susan! I am sorry about all that has happened to you! I believe in the power of support groups and this is why finding Dear Thyroid has helped me out during my fairly new cancer diagnosis. We are available to hear you out and will virtually provide a shoulder to cry on! I hope even sharing your story with us helped relieve some of your pain! The resources they provide may help empower you. Also, it may provide any additional resources you may need to help you look for more options to help you with your condition. Yesterday I attended the first thyroid cancer patient support group in my home town. We now have a new person to person support group, which was long overdue! The only reason why this is now available is because popular local reporter just went through her thyroid cancer ordeal. She has the clout and resources to get the ball rolling for the local cancer facilities to take notice and change their practices! I guess they are afraid of my local news reporter snooping around their possible lawsuits. I believe in Kairols advice by trying a project. Mine for now is completing nursing school because my cancer diagnosis will not force me out of the program! I have just one more year to go! I will join the staff that has caused me problems as well. I am going to improve thyroid cancer treatment from the inside! I hope our support is enough to help you emotionally. I’d like to think some of the weight is lifted from your soul Take care Susan! Debra the same goes for you

Fat Thigh-Roid Woes: Hairy Legs, Bald Head, another stunning, heartfelt, humorous and brilliant column from Nicole Wells. How can you not fall in love with a story that begins with “With an intro like this “I used to have super long and curly hair back in the day.  When I was younger, I paired it with a bitchin’ blazer sporting confident shoulder pads, and would take sexy pictures with my hair over my shoulder.

Her literary prowess illustrated the horrors of hair loss. Yes, hair loss. Thyroid patients understand the heartache this brings on such a deep level, regardless of condition; we relate to the pain of locks drifting from our scalp and wafting gently to the ground. Over time, we find piles of strands, which have morphed into hairballs. And, we think “Is that my hair? Have I lost that much fucking hair?!

Today’s comment…

Debra says:

I can deal with any other symptom…..but not the hair loss. My once long , thick, shiny, healthy hair, has turned into a thin, frizzy, dry, dull, tangled mess. I have become a recluse, and suffer from severe depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. Showers make me cry for hours, and i can’t even brush my hair anymore because i get so upset. I can’t even look in a mirror anymore because I feel like a freak. I won’t let anybody see me because i’m so horribly embarrassed by what has happened to me. Most people don’t understand what losing your hair does to a women. I pray every night i go to sleep, to not wake up the next day, so i don’t have to live like this another day. I’ve had no new growth in 2 years, so i now know it will never come back. I will hide in my house until the day i die. It’s just not fair

Tomorrow, hold onto your hats. We’re kicking off the day with Thyrants and Thyraves (yahoo), followed by an inspiring post by Joanna bout a generous cancer survivor, and an opportunity to participate in an interview Sarah is conducting.

A few quick notes:

  1. We’ve received FABULOUS entries for the butteflygraph contest. If you haven’t submitted, please do. We’re only accepting 20 submissions!
  2. If you haven’t sent a card to “B”, check out why we’re sending cards to “B”. Remember, the deadline is July 31st.

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