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Comment Of The Day: July 15, 2010

Post Published: 15 July 2010
Category: Comment of the Day
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Let me tell you why I adore you. It’s really quite simple… Your foibles make you perfect. Your anguish makes you human. Your expression of your feelings takes my wig off (and as I’ve said, I don’t wear a wig). This community, the Dear Thyroid Community represents the human condition in all of its incantations. This is a no nonsense joint. You got something to say, you say it. You disagree, you’re not afraid to voice it. You agree, you celebrate it. You share stories and connect with each person, even when you’re so over what you’re enduring you don’t think you have it in you to press another button on your keyboard. Still. You do. Every single day. That is love.

The Wacky Days Start at 6AM, today’s Dear Thyroid Letter, written by Michelene, a thyroid cancer patient, newly diagnosed. She’s walking a hell of a mile and can really use our support. Please share your stories with her, too.

Excerpt: “This is my first letter to you. It will not be my last. It has been one year and three months since my papillary thyroid cancer diagnosis. It feels like 20 years! I’ve had three surgeries and one bout of RAI, which I call “supermassive black hole” nuclear hell within this timeframe. I have never felt more alone in my life.”

Toda’s comment…

Linny says:

My dear you are so brave, friends are more caring than family in my case too. You have all of us who care about you too. You have so much determination in you I sense this in your story. You will find your way. I can tell people like being around you. Gather them up and have a tea party for yourself! Let them all bring a little something. Heal first and I just feel your desire to work will come. My best to you, Linny xxxxxxooooooo

In The Land Of The Gland, I Feel…, our first Dear Thyroid poll about symptoms, side effects, how we feel about our diseases, and so much more. If you haven’t shared your ‘yes’ or ‘no’, please do.

Today’s comment…

LittleBear says:

1. yes

2. yes, my gyn

3. can’t really say I was misdiagnosed. For years the only doctor I went to was my gyno. He was the one to diagnose me, only because my thyroid was enlarged at the time of my regular visit with him.

4. see above.

5. no, I am on Armour Thyroid, (which I love), totally hated it when I took synthroid, I take 60mg Mon-Fri, and 90mg Sat&Sun. Feel my best on the weekends and ultimately end up ‘crashing’ on Tues or Wed.

6. My son and daughter are always there for me, and I have the best, most understanding boyfriend ever!

7. Sometimes, But not so much since I found ‘Dear Thyroid’.

8. YES! Major league depression….not constant, it comes and goes, but when it hits….Watch Out!…I do take medication for it, but really want to get off it. I am trying to wean myself away from it.

9. Always difficulty losing….gaining is waaaay to easy!

10. Unfortunately, I live with so many of the symptoms, (don’t we all?), I feel as though I have come to ‘tolerate’ most of them. Can’t really pick one that I would want to keep, if I had the choice.

11. I think the one symptom I despise the most, is the depression. I really ‘takes away from’ as well as ‘hurts’ the quality of life.

Remind Me: Why Bother with Exercise? another fabulous instillation, written by Dr. Sara Gottfried. If you haven’t read her post, please do. YOU WILL LOVE IT.

Excerpt: “Exercise stimulates and remodels the pituitary – and those of us with hormonal challenges, i.e., sluggish thyroids, polycystic ovarian syndrome and/or insulin resistance, slow metabolism, leptin resistance, adrenal dysregulation, perimenopause & menopause need this.”

Today’s comment…

Bee says:

Thank you Dr. G for reminding me why my ass is probably still big and fat, my thighs look like good pot roasts and my arms look like sewer pipes… no, REALLY, every once in awhile a good swift kick-in-the-ass reminder is just what it takes to motivate me to move further than the bed, to work, to the grocery store, to the stove, to the in-laws’ apt with dinner, then to the sink,to the dishwasher, then the washer and dryer, my workshop for a couple little projects and then back to bed. I keep meaning to get up an hour early to work out but haven’t managed to get further than throwing the alarm across the room. I swam a couple days last wk. after work but then I had to bring fast food home for MIL and FIL. The dogs really need a good walk but its 100 degrees when i get home and i’m afraid i’ll die of heat stroke. Pls excuse me for being a smart ass as i really do thoroughly enjoy your articles and wish you were my real doctor—its just that i’m in the midst of a multi-tasking crisis, my divertivulitis is acting up and my va-jay-jay hurts. Maybe next week… No Really

If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, consider scheduling an appointment with her. Dr. G’s been a tremendous advocate for thyroid patients. Her knowledge and passion for integrative medicine is unparalleled. If I lived in the Bay Area, I’d be in stirrups faster than you can say “S”.  Dr. Gottfried’s Website.

Today was the last day to enter the butterfly paragraph competition. The butterfly paragraphs are GORGEOUS. Thank you so much to everyone for participating. We’ll be posting them M-F. The butterflygraphs with the most votes will place in the Top 5. Allyson will choose the winner!

Now, onto other business… Have you (and your team) entered the Thyroid Mad Libs Contest?! The contest is a blast and a half—all you have to do is fill in the blanks of a Dear Thyroid Letter posted right here. You have until August 12th to get all of your submissions in. The winning team will each receive a $25 iTunes Gift Card!

Kerri will be posting an update this weekend about the Dear Thyroid meet-ups, which are going FAMOUSLY. We’ve got some really exciting local meet-ups that are soon to take place. She’ll be writing all about that on Saturday.

Love and gratitude for your thylicious brilliance,


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