We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Saturday May 4th 2024


Author Archive

Toxins Everywhere, Slowing Down My Thyroid

Toxins Everywhere, Slowing Down My Thyroid

A kind gesture from my dentist today -- she graciously offers bottles of water in her waiting room – turns out to be a thyroid disaster. My daughter eagerly grabbed a bottle and [Read] | 8 responses.

Thyroid/Breast Cancer Connection!

Thyroid/Breast Cancer Connection!

I’m a fan of aggressive prevention, and what better diagnosis to prevent than cancer? Many of my patients don’t realize that the hormonal balancing and nutraceutical prescriptions we [Read] | 11 responses.

A Conspiracy Or Malfunction?

A Conspiracy Or Malfunction?

Dear Thyroid, Well, it looks like my letter from July 1 got through to you. Or, rather, didn't get through to you - but got through to something else. Now not only do I seem to have [Read] | 7 responses.

Remind Me: Why Bother with Exercise?

Remind Me: Why Bother with Exercise?

Exercise stimulates and remodels the pituitary – and those of us with hormonal challenges, i.e., sluggish thyroids, polycystic ovarian syndrome and/or insulin resistance, slow [Read] | 9 responses.

Yoga Class for Your Thyroid

Yoga Class for Your Thyroid

You’ve heard the analogy that your thyroid acts as your bod’s “gas pedal” by releasing energy hormones that modulate the metabolism of your organs and cells. Your thyroid [Read] | 14 responses.

Imma Be Queen of Leptin: How It Rocks Your Thyroid

Imma Be Queen of Leptin: <i>How It Rocks Your Thyroid</i>

(Written by, Dr. Sara Gottfried) Ever wonder why you still feel hypothyroid yet your TSH is normal? Or why the weight you gained while hypothyroid hasn’t fallen away? A key [Read] | 21 responses.

Crazy Happy Thyroid Dance

Crazy Happy Thyroid Dance

(Written by, Sara Gottfried, MD) Dear Thyroidistas; Somehow I made it through med school, residency and 10 years of medical practice before I figured out a key epiphany: the [Read] | 27 responses.

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