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Sunday May 5th 2024


‘Chronic Snarkopolist’ Archives

Chronic Snarkopolist: Survivors Guilt and Jealousy

Chronic Snarkopolist: Survivors Guilt and Jealousy

Hello my loves! One brilliant amazing patient advocate reported some cancer patients sometimes find themselves emotionally comparing themselves and their stages of illness to other [Read] | 14 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: Free Falling and Doing it all Sick

Chronic Snarkopolist: Free Falling and Doing it all Sick

Hello my loves! Life has a funny way challenging us, stripping us to the bare bones, and then asking us for the marrow. Almost everyone can remember the starkness of the room when the [Read] | 9 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: Worth the Risk

Chronic Snarkopolist: Worth the Risk

Hello my loves! We have discussed this before – judging ourselves and measuring our successes by normal standards. And yet – I do it. We do it. Everyone does it. What happens when [Read] | 3 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: Climbing Our Cliffs

Chronic Snarkopolist: Climbing Our Cliffs

Hello my loves! When I was on vacation I had many experiences. I saved one story to tell you because of all people I thought YOU would understand.  And I hope you have similar [Read] | 8 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: Can Healthy Ever Be Wrong?

Chronic Snarkopolist: Can Healthy Ever Be Wrong?

Hello my loves! I missed you fiercely whilst I was away on vacation! Let us never be apart so long again! I had several conversations with patients last week. Some were hopeful and [Read] | 4 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: The Smile

Chronic Snarkopolist: The Smile

Hello my loves! Once, during my most painful time, when I hurt more than any day I can express I look out the window on the way to the hospital.  I thought to myself, “How can I do [Read] | 5 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: Leaving Bread Crumbs

Chronic Snarkopolist: Leaving Bread Crumbs

Hello my loves! A friend of mine who is healing from a broken wrist on top of her other chronic illnesses said to me, “I am finding my way back.” Anytime we have additional kicks [Read] | 2 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: A Good Pharmacy Experience

Chronic Snarkopolist: A Good Pharmacy Experience

Hello my loves! This week I am focusing on something central to any chronically ill patients life, the pharmacy experience.  If you use medications on any regular basis, building a [Read] | 10 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: Life is Risky

Chronic Snarkopolist: Life is Risky

Hello my loves! This has been a difficult yet victorious week for so many people. This has been a week of loss, of pain, of self-discovery and of worry.  I’ve heard stories of [Read] | 4 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: Body Disconnection

Chronic Snarkopolist: Body Disconnection

Hello my loves! Just today I was reading a beautiful letter from someone asking when she was going to get her neck back, “Hut Hut Hut” and it really sent a powerful jolt through [Read] | 8 responses.

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