We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Thursday May 2nd 2024


‘Dear Doctor Letters’ Archives

Dear Doctor, If I Could Change My Thyroid Cancer Story…

Dear Doctor, If I Could Change My Thyroid Cancer Story…

Dear Doctor, Did you know that 25% of women will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime? Look out into your waiting room…that means you will see at least 3 of those [Read] | 7 responses.

Just Curious, Doctor, Do you Hear Me?!

Just Curious, Doctor, Do you Hear Me?!

Dear Doctor, I just wanted to take this moment to show my appreciation for your absolute lack of priority with my thyroid, or lack there of one. Doctor and nurse alike have been just [Read] | 6 responses.

Singing the Blues to the Grave

Singing the Blues to the Grave

Dear Thyroid, I am sick of you, sick because of you and sick of waiting to see what new way you will bully me today. A fever perhaps? Or random itching hives? Cracked lips? Not [Read] | 7 responses.

My Thyroid’s Affair With Cancer

My Thyroid’s Affair With Cancer

Dearest Thyroid, Even though I know our separation was inevitable. It still hurts to have you gone. It hurts me to know that you allowed something else to come between us. To separate [Read] | 7 responses.

Anatomy of Patient Empowerment, Word!

Anatomy of Patient Empowerment, Word!

Dear Doctor, I was under the impression that you were the one with advanced medical knowledge and would be able to diagnose what was wrong with me.  I didn't plan on paying you to do [Read] | 7 responses.