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Friday May 3rd 2024


‘Dear Thyroid Letters’ Archives

Irritable Man Syndrome via Thyroid, Thanks!

Irritable Man Syndrome via Thyroid, Thanks!

Dear Thyroid, I really feel like crap.  I can't fall asleep at night.  Any little noise wakes me up.  But then I can't wake up in the morning.  I feel hungry and nauseated at the [Read] | one response.

Dear Thyroid, My Official Break-Up Letter

Dear Thyroid, My Official Break-Up Letter

Dear Thyroid, Was it something I said?  Something I did? Did we just grow apart? If you only knew how you used make me feel.  I’ve been good to you.  I’ve stayed fit and [Read] | 4 responses.

Relationship that went SOUR!!!!

Relationship that went SOUR!!!!

Dear Thyroid, You know, I seriously thought I was done with your ass! I turn around and here we go again. I gave birth to my son and it seems like things are getting worse not better. [Read] | 3 responses.

The Intersection of Disease and Good Health, And Rebirth

The Intersection of Disease and Good Health, And Rebirth

  I have reached in intersection, a crossroads? I think it's an intersection, really. It's that moment when the worst aspects of my disease are behind me and good health and [Read] | 5 responses.

I’m Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

I’m Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

Right now I feel sick, I'm sweating up a storm, my shoulders feel like someone hit them with a two by four, the goiter on my neck feels hard and makes me cough, and my head [Read] | 5 responses.

Thyroid, Why Must You Suck so Hard?!

Thyroid, Why Must You Suck so Hard?!

Dear Mike's Thyroid: I need to tell you something, since you've been making life harder for me, and I don't think you realize that it's been happening. When someone loses four [Read] | one response.

Contest Entry Three by Teri Adkins

Contest Entry Three by Teri Adkins

  This beautiful contest entry comes to you via Teri Adkins. Please click the image to view a larger version. Cast your vote for Teri in comments. -- If you'd like to enter [Read] | one response.

Contest Entry Three, Why Butterflies are Important in my Life

Contest Entry Three, Why Butterflies are Important in my Life

My grandmother was always a huge fan of the color lavender and butterflies. When I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer, we didn't want to tell her at first because she would have been [Read] | 9 responses.

Contest Entry Two, Summertime, by Lolly

Contest Entry Two, Summertime, by Lolly

A thy-tune for the thyroid blues SUMMERTIME   Summertime, And the livin' ain't easy Crickets are jumpin' And the Pollen is high   Your Endo's rich Ain't [Read] | 4 responses.

Butterfly Bag Contest Entry One, by Missy

Butterfly Bag Contest Entry One, by Missy

Dear thyroid, Most people say "I'm so glad you are gone."  Me...not so much. Granted you had cancer and had to go, that I understand. What I don't understand is the fact that you [Read] | 2 responses.

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