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‘Guest Bloggers’ Archives

For Your Thyroid Skin: Defy the Culture of Clean

For Your Thyroid Skin: Defy the Culture of Clean

Inspired by a recent article in my fave medical journal, The New York Times, I’ve must ask: Why are we washing so damn much? Not needed. Really. Breaks down the lipid barrier of your [Read] | 4 responses.

Metabolism Reset with HCG?

Metabolism Reset with HCG?

As I partner with women to achieve their most robust health, the ass-kicking challenge of weight loss often is up, particularly among my patients who are 35+ and manage thyroid [Read] | 2 responses.

What Fight Are You Fighting?

What Fight Are You Fighting?

What fight are you fighting? Depression and constant struggle to find meaning in to your life? Heartache from losing a lover or a loved one (whether it be through death or a [Read] | 14 responses.

Who You Callin’ Yeasty?!

Who You Callin’ Yeasty?!

Most women think that when yeast strikes, the result is an itchy vag. This is a misconception: turns out the problem is broader and deeper -- typically your vaginal symptoms are [Read] | 2 responses.

Thyroid Superhero, Louise Sopher

Thyroid Superhero, Louise Sopher

AWARENESS VIDEO - How old were you when you were diagnosed? "Run!" she yelled, though no one listened. "Run, you idiot, runn!" The girl stood, a statue amongst a moving world. Thyroid [Read] | one response.

That Would Be Thyroid Hair

That Would Be Thyroid Hair

Isn’t it enough that we have to manage bone-crushing fatigue and weight gain as part of the pretty picture of hypothyroidism? Why add insult to injury with the dry, straw-like stuff on [Read] | 5 responses.

Too Tired to Jump Your Bones

Too Tired to Jump Your Bones

Forty-three percent of women report low libido, but in my practice, the numbers are much higher. While libido is the most complex symptom that I work with by far, it often has [Read] | 5 responses.

Acrostic Poem Using the Word: BEFORE

Acrostic Poem Using the Word: BEFORE

Brilliant (or so I thought), full of hope, healthy and uninterrupted. Even though I was struggling with self-esteem, I was confident in my work; confident in who I was. I knew where I [Read] | 4 responses.

Hypothyroid Lifestyle – Mating in a Hypothyroid World

Hypothyroid Lifestyle – Mating in a Hypothyroid World

I was drinking my lemon water this morning, minding my own business, and my brain began a root cause analysis of why so many of us are struggling with dysfunctional thyroids. Does [Read] | 8 responses.

Acrostic Poem Using The Word: Before

Acrostic Poem Using The Word: Before

Beautiful, little, blond, baby girl giggling in her Wonder Woman tiara while blowing out birthday candles Ever-questioning angst ridden teen hurling basketballs, like bullets, against [Read] | 2 responses.

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