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Thursday May 2nd 2024


Posts Tagged ‘Acrostic Poetry Word: SICK’

Acrostic Poem, Using The Word: SICK by Lolly

Acrostic Poem, Using The Word: SICK by Lolly

Simple tasks that become a chore It's not that easy just to ignore Cognitive failure known as foggy brain Keeping yourself from going fucking insane. | 8 responses.

Acrostic Poetry, Using the Word: SICK, by Madison

Acrostic Poetry, Using the Word: SICK, by Madison

Sick of Synthetic Thyroid Hormones by Madison Merritt Simple and effective It’s like a savior Can’t they see it is not a cure but a Kick in the butt Of course they [Read] | 2 responses.

Acrostic Poem, Using the Word: SICK (by Ria)

Acrostic Poem, Using the Word: SICK (by Ria)

So treatable, though rare, I was confident in my oncologist's care. Cancer marker went up, they said ... Keepin' up the fight, rough patch ahead! Greets from Belgium! Ria Vanden [Read] | 2 responses.

Acrostic Poem, Using The Word: SICK (by Linny)

Acrostic Poem, Using The Word: SICK (by Linny)

Dear Doctor, I have something to tell you. I am very sick and this is how you make me feel! -- S  is the way you "stare" at me I    is for the "indifference" I [Read] | no responses.

Acrostic Poem, Using the Word: SICK

Acrostic Poem, Using the Word: SICK

Synthroid every morning, Is this pill my master? Cytomel every evening, Kiss my ass, Cancer! | 3 responses.

Acrostic Poem Submission, Word: SICK, Written by April

Acrostic Poem Submission, Word: SICK, Written by April

Sitting here in pain, I wonder what the "old" me would be doing. Can it get much worse? It's not getting any better. Kneeling and hoping each day for relief. Bio: April Pust [Read] | 2 responses.

Acrostic Poem, Word: SICK – Written by Dena

Acrostic Poem, Word: SICK – Written by Dena

Faulty logic is used to provide a false security… Spiraling out of control, silence becomes normal Invisible,  incomprehensible, incalculable, irreconcilable, [Read] | 3 responses.

Acrostic Poetry, Word: SICK

Acrostic Poetry, Word: SICK

Silence is all I hear Illness is what I fear Compassion is all I need Kindness plants the seed -Debbie Greene | one response.