We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Thursday May 2nd 2024


Posts Tagged ‘autoimmune disorders’

Chronic Snarkopolist: Healing with Vulnerability, Sharing, and Reciprocity

Chronic Snarkopolist: Healing with Vulnerability, Sharing, and Reciprocity

Hello my loves! Thank you so much for being in my life! I have said so many times to my friends - sharing your stories heals. And I have meant it.  Sharing our deep pains with others [Read] | 12 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: Surrender Into Support

Chronic Snarkopolist: Surrender Into Support

Hello my loves! Have I mentioned how much I adore you? You are so brilliant and beautiful! I was so overwhelmed with your kind words and thoughts last week.  I’m always so amazed [Read] | 7 responses.

Fat Thigh-roid Woes: COBRA always has and always will be A SNAKE.

Fat Thigh-roid Woes: <i>COBRA always has and always will be A SNAKE.</i>

My disease got really bad at the worst possible time.  No insurance, no job.  Since I chose to remain in denial about the severity of my symptoms, coupled with the “I’m skinny and [Read] | 19 responses.