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Wednesday May 1st 2024


Posts Tagged ‘brain fog’

Farewell Thyroid

Farewell Thyroid

Dear Thyroid: Remember the days when we worked together like a well-oiled machine? You responded to my every need 24 hours a day, keeping me feeling healthy and happy. It makes me sad [Read] | 4 responses.

Thyroid, Help A Guy Out, Huh?!

Thyroid, Help A Guy Out, Huh?!

Dear Thyroid, I wonder what plagues you so, and why do you make my life a living hell at times? I hate the way you clog my brain when I want to do a simple task and you make it [Read] | 7 responses.

Good Housekeeping’s Thyroid Storm: A Case of Misogyny?

Good Housekeeping’s Thyroid Storm: A Case of Misogyny?

In the August 2011 issue of Good Housekeeping, an article by Susan Carlton about being 40-something with fatigue, weight gain and brain fog has set off an avalanche of controversy [Read] | 15 responses.

My Darling, My Best Friend, My Thyroid

My Darling, My Best Friend, My Thyroid

To My BF (ButterFly and Best Friend), I am listening as best I can!!  We have been traveling this path together for the past, almost 20 years, so you should know by now that I really [Read] | 4 responses.