We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Friday May 3rd 2024


Posts Tagged ‘Dear Thyroid Letters written by thyroid patients’

The Diagnoses that Changed My Life Forever

The Diagnoses that Changed My Life Forever

Dear Heather, I am so sorry. Sorry for what I have done to your life. Sorry that there is nothing else I can do to help. Most of all I am sorry that friends, family and doctors do not [Read] | 6 responses.

Thyroid, It’s Time For A Gland To Gland

Thyroid, It’s Time For A Gland To Gland

Dear Thyroid, Did I say “dear”? Let me rethink that. You haven’t been pulling your weight as of late so that means I am draggin’ more behind! And since you have decided to not [Read] | 2 responses.