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Thursday May 2nd 2024


Posts Tagged ‘food’

Nourishing Life: what is breakfast anyways?

Nourishing Life: what is breakfast anyways?

Fact: Auto-immune diseases suck. Fact: What you eat when you have an auto-immune disease matters. Fact: Its up to you to figure out what foods work best for you. Fact: Even [Read] | 17 responses.

Nourishing Life: what is a nourishing life?

Nourishing Life: what is a nourishing life?

Food nourishes.  I believe food has a greater impact on our body, our mind, our spirit and our earth than any of us can imagine. I believe that food promotes good health or promotes [Read] | 9 responses.

Fat Thigh-roid Woes: Inequality is the Spice of Life

Fat Thigh-roid Woes:  Inequality is the Spice of Life

I went to a show over the weekend, and I saw a famous drummer perform with his new(ish) band. Back in the 80s this guy was an addict.  It’s now 2011 and the addiction hasn’t [Read] | 8 responses.