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Wednesday May 1st 2024


Posts Tagged ‘hashimotos symptoms’

Farewell Thyroid

Farewell Thyroid

Dear Thyroid: Remember the days when we worked together like a well-oiled machine? You responded to my every need 24 hours a day, keeping me feeling healthy and happy. It makes me sad [Read] | 4 responses.

Thyroid, You are Sucking the Life out of Me and I Don’t Know How Much More I Can Take

Thyroid, You are Sucking the Life out of Me and I Don’t Know How Much More I Can Take

Dear Thyroid, I miss you. I don’t blame you for this hell I am in, I blame the mean ‘ol immune system that attacked you! I know you fought back and tried to defend me, I know [Read] | 13 responses.

I Am Broken, Can’t You Tell?!

I Am Broken, Can’t You Tell?!

I am a young mother. Older women have told me, "Wow, what I would give to be 30 again! So much energy!" I think to myself, "Seriously! It gets worse than this?!?! How does it get [Read] | 17 responses.

Shakespeare’s Taming of the Hashrew

Shakespeare’s Taming of the Hashrew

Dear Thyroid, I think life is funny sometimes. I think it's funny because it can throw you in all directions before you finally arrive on a realisation. You and me, I think we've [Read] | 2 responses.

I Need You, And You Need Me. Don’t Leave Me Hangin’

I Need You, And You Need Me. Don’t Leave Me Hangin’

Dear Thyroid: 5 years ago I stopped smoking and started gaining weight hand over fist, even though I was working out with a trainer two times a week, and working out at least 2 more [Read] | 9 responses.

Dear Thyroid- Thanksgiving Holiday letter

Dear Thyroid- Thanksgiving Holiday letter

Dear Thyroid, Well, I’ll be! We finally know what’s wrong with you. Of course, I’ll have to go to the doctor to confirm my self-diagnosis, but that is just a formality.  If [Read] | 21 responses.

The Silent Dance

The Silent Dance

Dear Thyroid, The music cries out and you must dance.   Every hour, every day, the music leads you through a frenzy of unknown steps, spinning and leaping.  You beg the music to [Read] | 7 responses.

I Hear You Butterfly

I Hear You Butterfly

Dear Thyroid: From the bottom of my heart, I apologize.  I’ve tried so hard to make up for all the years I didn’t hear what you were trying to tell me, but you are screaming once [Read] | 25 responses.

Coffee, the Morning Paper, and a Little Ball of Hate

Coffee, the Morning Paper, and a Little Ball of Hate

Dear Thyroid, Today, I totally hate you! I recognize the symptoms that have been creeping back into my life unwelcome. The snapping at my loved ones, the fatigue, the lack of zest in [Read] | 13 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: Medical Debtfetti

Chronic Snarkopolist: Medical Debtfetti

Please welcome Melissa Travis! Melissa is one of our new columnists. She also happens to be a comedy writer contending with chronic and multiple autoimmune conditions, and cancer. [Read] | 23 responses.

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