We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Wednesday May 1st 2024


Posts Tagged ‘hyperthyroid letters’

To the Graves or Not?

To the <i>Graves</i> or Not?

Dear thyroid, I am writing this letter to explain that I want you to cooperate with me and let me be a Mom. You started to make that very hard for me when I had my first daughter two [Read] | 2 responses.

The Beast, The Thyroid, And The Princess

The Beast, The Thyroid, And The Princess

Dear Thyroid, You may have noticed I am talking about you to random people. I am finding the reactions I have been getting very interesting. I would say that 9 out of 10 people have [Read] | 6 responses.

Pissed Off Has Turned To Empowered

Pissed Off Has Turned To Empowered

Dear Thyroid: I suppose I should thank you for calming down a little before I went to my first endo appointment.  It was nice to fool me into thinking that whatever was wrong was [Read] | 9 responses.

The Price Of Admission On The Hyperthyroid Train Is…

The Price Of Admission On The Hyperthyroid Train Is…

Dear Amanda: Hello to my host body that is Amanda, I see that you are living on the edge with finances, a unemployable 19-year old son who has social and emotional problems (and no [Read] | 25 responses.

Dear Anastasia’s Thyroid: Part Two: Southern Healing

Dear Anastasia’s Thyroid: Part Two: Southern Healing

My Dear Thyroid, I know, because we are bound in this same narrative, that this letter does not find you well. You have been stressed out, like me, about our impending relocation. [Read] | 6 responses.