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Wednesday May 1st 2024


Posts Tagged ‘hyperthyroid symptoms’

To the Graves or Not?

To the <i>Graves</i> or Not?

Dear thyroid, I am writing this letter to explain that I want you to cooperate with me and let me be a Mom. You started to make that very hard for me when I had my first daughter two [Read] | 2 responses.

Cold When it’s Hot and Hot When it’s Cold… Sound Familiar?!

Cold When it’s Hot and Hot When it’s Cold… Sound Familiar?!

I sleep shiver cold Two quilts and a wool blanket I sleep toasty warm My other half still Sweats and sleeps with just a sheet And sometimes a fan That's how you [Read] | 9 responses.

Thyme For Literary Healing, Differentiating Between Medication Side-Effects and Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism

Thyme For Literary Healing, Differentiating Between Medication Side-Effects and Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism

Since diagnosis of thyroid cancer or thyroid disease, or sadly both, have you come to learn the difference between a 'symptom' and a 'side effect' of medication? As individuals with [Read] | 2 responses.

The Price Of Admission On The Hyperthyroid Train Is…

The Price Of Admission On The Hyperthyroid Train Is…

Dear Amanda: Hello to my host body that is Amanda, I see that you are living on the edge with finances, a unemployable 19-year old son who has social and emotional problems (and no [Read] | 25 responses.

Fat Thigh-roid Woes: For Every Grave Action….There is an Equal and Opposite Graves Reaction

Fat Thigh-roid Woes: <i>For Every Grave Action….There is an Equal and Opposite Graves Reaction</i>

I have shitty allergies.  They’re not just regulated to springtime either, I start sneezing if the sun hits me the wrong way, or if I walk by a particularly menacing dust bunny.  [Read] | 20 responses.

Torn Away from Me, I Still Bear your Scars

Torn Away from Me, I Still Bear your Scars

Dear Thyroid, We broke up two years ago, and I still have the scars. I didn't believe you were bad for me, everyone said that you were. I kept you around for a while not wanting to [Read] | 11 responses.