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Thursday May 2nd 2024


Posts Tagged ‘hyperthyroidism’

Evidently, My Thyroid Is My Biggest Fremenie

Evidently, My Thyroid Is My Biggest <i>Fremenie</i>

Dear Thyroid, Why were you just not that into me? I always knew you were an overactive nuisance, but what did I do to deserve all of this? Here I am, a healthy 27 year old woman [Read] | 3 responses.

My Mister Big

My Mister Big

(From here on out, I’m going to call my thyroid Mr. Big because that’s who I picture him as if he was starring in the movie of my life*. Not the 80's hair band, Mr. Big, but Mr. [Read] | 4 responses.

Oh, You Think My Thyroid Disease Is Fake? FABULOUS

Oh, You Think My Thyroid Disease Is Fake? FABULOUS

Dear People with "Normal" Thyroids: January is "Thyroid Awareness Month". Do you know where your thyroid is? I do, but last January I did not. Your thyroid is a lovely butterfly [Read] | 42 responses.

Trying To Choose Life, Thyroid, But You’re Literally, Physically and Psychologically KILLING ME!

Trying To Choose Life, Thyroid, But You’re Literally, Physically and Psychologically KILLING ME!

Dear Thyroid, I haven’t decided yet if I love you or hate you, and I’m pretty sure your feelings toward me are just as undecided. I don’t even know if you’re the reason [Read] | 26 responses.

Fat Thigh-Roid Woes: Grow up, Goiter!

Fat Thigh-Roid Woes:  Grow up, Goiter!

A few years ago, when my doctor thought I was Hashimoto all the way, I had been on meds for about six months when she called me and told me I needed to come off meds immediately cause I [Read] | 32 responses.

Fat Thigh-roid Woes: The Long Walk…Off a Short Cliff

Fat Thigh-roid Woes: <i>The Long Walk…Off a Short Cliff</i>

Back when I still lived with my mom, my cardio would be to walk all the way up this hill to the top where the city Christmas tree hangs out.  Part hike part hard walk, it was a great [Read] | 30 responses.

The Price Of Admission On The Hyperthyroid Train Is…

The Price Of Admission On The Hyperthyroid Train Is…

Dear Amanda: Hello to my host body that is Amanda, I see that you are living on the edge with finances, a unemployable 19-year old son who has social and emotional problems (and no [Read] | 25 responses.

Hope from a Chrysalis

Hope from a Chrysalis

Dear Thyroid, They took you away from me. I mourn my good health, of which you held the key. So little did they offer, a small pill. Both of us forever changed. Everyday holds a [Read] | 20 responses.

Fat Thigh-Roid Woes: Hairy Legs, Bald Head

Fat Thigh-Roid Woes: <i>Hairy Legs, Bald Head</i>

I used to have super long and curly hair back in the day.  When I was younger, I paired it with a bitchin’ blazer sporting confident shoulder pads, and would take sexy pictures with [Read] | 42 responses.

Thyliloquy: Act One: Scene One: The Gyno. The Girl. The Thyroid

Thyliloquy: Act One: Scene One: The Gyno. The Girl. The Thyroid

Dear Thyroid, It's not that I've been neglecting you. Truthfully. You know this, as I await each month for that package from my mother containing your precious bottle of [Read] | 7 responses.

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