We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Wednesday May 1st 2024


Posts Tagged ‘hypothyroid patients’

Flying With Broken Wings: Magic Moments and Awesome Achievements

Flying With Broken Wings: Magic Moments and Awesome Achievements

In last week’s column, I talked about self-confidence and learning to love ourselves. As sufferers of one or more chronic illnesses, we often tend to be very hard on ourselves and [Read] | 2 responses.

April Showers Bring May Thyroid Letters

April Showers Bring May Thyroid Letters

Yes, we have a lot of spaces left in May for Dear Thyroid Letters from patients, and Dear Thyroid Family Letters. We thought, wouldn't it be fun to do a few themes for the month. Keep in [Read] | no responses.

Thyroid Poetry by Sarah Downing

Thyroid Poetry by Sarah Downing

You crept up on me you SOB Destroyed my life as it used to be Accused of laziness because I'm tired A symptom that this illness has sired Accused of greed because I'm overweight But [Read] | 22 responses.