We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Wednesday May 1st 2024


Posts Tagged ‘support community’

Chronic Snarkopolist: Healing with Vulnerability, Sharing, and Reciprocity

Chronic Snarkopolist: Healing with Vulnerability, Sharing, and Reciprocity

Hello my loves! Thank you so much for being in my life! I have said so many times to my friends - sharing your stories heals. And I have meant it.  Sharing our deep pains with others [Read] | 12 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: Surrender Into Support

Chronic Snarkopolist: Surrender Into Support

Hello my loves! Have I mentioned how much I adore you? You are so brilliant and beautiful! I was so overwhelmed with your kind words and thoughts last week.  I’m always so amazed [Read] | 7 responses.

Flying With Broken Wings: Butterflies and Phoenixes

Flying With Broken Wings: <i>Butterflies and Phoenixes</i>

I first stumbled across Dear Thyroid on New Year’s Eve of 2009 when I was reading Mary Shomon’s www.thyroid.about.com website and this website has undoubtedly been the dawn of a new [Read] | 25 responses.

The Beauty Of Community

The Beauty Of Community

I've been doing a lot of thinking about community and our community; how we built our community and what our community means to me. I've tweeted about it and discussed it on [Read] | 2 responses.