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Wednesday May 1st 2024


Posts Tagged ‘symptoms of hashimoto’s’

Thyroid, Help A Guy Out, Huh?!

Thyroid, Help A Guy Out, Huh?!

Dear Thyroid, I wonder what plagues you so, and why do you make my life a living hell at times? I hate the way you clog my brain when I want to do a simple task and you make it [Read] | 7 responses.

You Ain’t so Smart, Thyroid

You Ain’t so Smart, Thyroid

Don't even think for a second that you are going to get me - to bring me down. You won't win. I'm stronger and no matter what it is that you think you can throw at me - cancer, [Read] | 6 responses.

Come Hithah’ Thyroid Disease

Come Hithah’ Thyroid Disease

Dear Thyroid (or what's left of you): Our relationship surfaced a few years ago when a doctor ran some routine blood work and found a high TSH.  I needed to be on a replacement [Read] | 4 responses.