We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Wednesday May 1st 2024


Posts Tagged ‘symptoms of thyroid cancer’

Acrostic Poem Using the word: ENOUGH by, Linny

Acrostic Poem Using the word: ENOUGH by, Linny

Enough time has gone by Enough blood has been drawn Enough sleep has been lost Enough waiting for news Enough Doctors we've seen Enough pain has been felt Enough people have [Read] | 6 responses.

Acrostic Poetry, Using the Word: ENOUGH, by Keira

Acrostic Poetry, Using the Word: ENOUGH, by Keira

Even though I made it through yet another day, I Never truly believe that I managed to survive. Over and over and over again; I search Urging myself to find meaning in the [Read] | 2 responses.

Acrostic Poem Using The Word: ENOUGH, by Amanda

Acrostic Poem Using The Word: ENOUGH, by Amanda

Endless worry Needless ignorance Ominous news Unpleasant symptoms... Graves Disease Harshing my mellow Amanda | 2 responses.

Acrostic Poetry Using the Word: ENOUGH, Written by HD

Acrostic Poetry Using the Word: ENOUGH, Written by HD

E - Eh, You, Thyroid gland thing N - now that you're busted, - yeah I know, O - operating room took care of you, U - unceremoniously discarded were you as bio-hazardous waste, now G [Read] | one response.

Acrostic Poem Using the Word: BEFORE

Acrostic Poem Using the Word: BEFORE

Brilliant (or so I thought), full of hope, healthy and uninterrupted. Even though I was struggling with self-esteem, I was confident in my work; confident in who I was. I knew where I [Read] | 4 responses.

Acrostic Poem Using the Word: BEFORE

Acrostic Poem Using the Word: BEFORE

By now I should be used to Every day without a thyroid Focus on the healing Other than my suffering Remembering I’m not alone Endure and rise above | one response.

Acrostic Poetry Using The Word: BEFORE, by Ria

Acrostic Poetry Using The Word: BEFORE, by Ria

Back to where we started then. Excising and RAI did not suffice For you to go away ... Optimism slain, Residue tissue detected. Exercise in hope. Ria Vanden Eynde- | 3 responses.

This Week’s Word for Acrostic Poetry Is… BEFORE

This Week’s Word for Acrostic Poetry Is… BEFORE

This week, we are seeking submissions for acrostic poetry using the word BEFORE. Write your hearts out. Write for yourself and for all of us. Remind the Invisible Illness communities, [Read] | no responses.

Acrostic Poetry Using the Word: ILLNESS

Acrostic Poetry Using the Word: ILLNESS

I hate myself. And, then, I hate myself for hating myself. Loathing; Lapactic; Lethargic; a Labyrinth of poison; a labyrinth of levothyroxine augmented with citalopram Nervous; Naked; [Read] | 3 responses.

Acrostic Illness Using The Word: ILLNESS

Acrostic Illness Using The Word: ILLNESS

Illusion of continuing the Life knwown until now Lies in Never accepted Endless and frustrating Symptoms that Seek to control the life now --Ana | 3 responses.

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