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Wednesday May 1st 2024


Posts Tagged ‘thyroid cancer misdiagnoses’

Digging Through The Thy-Archive

Digging Through The Thy-Archive

Dear Thyroid, As I think back over these last five years that I knowingly battled you and your incompetence, I wonder where you are now, if anywhere.  I imagine you were incinerated [Read] | 5 responses.

A Teacher Masquerading as a Thief

A Teacher Masquerading as a Thief

Dear Thyroid; What my thyroid has stolen from me & taught: In terms of what my thyroid has stolen, it has stolen nothing. If anything, I have gained an array of knowledge about my [Read] | 8 responses.

No Longer Thankful Just to be Alive

No Longer Thankful Just to be Alive

Dear Thyroid, When I first found out you had to go I was happy to be rid of you. I wanted the follicular thyroid cancer to be gone and did not think twice about the process of [Read] | 10 responses.