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Saturday May 4th 2024


Posts Tagged ‘thyroid humor’

The Human Condition Or Is That The Human Thydition

The Human Condition Or Is That <i>The Human Thydition</i>

http://thyroid.about.com/od/thyroidbasicsthyroid101/ss/top-thyroid-stories-2000-2009.htm Beth Orton is a beloved singer of mine. One of my favorite songs that she wrote is called [Read] | 14 responses.

Hello Lolly

Hello Lolly

Hello Lolly I said hello, Lolly,......well, hello, Lolly ( I heard you the first time I ain't deaf ) It's so nice to have you back where you belong ( And where the hell would [Read] | 26 responses.

Jimi Thyndrix

Jimi Thyndrix

Dear Thyroid, I must admit that since you attempted your hostile take over, I have not looked at the world quite the same. ,  Luckily, I have come to meet others of like disease who [Read] | 10 responses.

ThySongs by Zari

ThySongs by Zari

Dear thyroid, Even though you are no longer here with me I really miss you.   Some of the folks at Dear Thyroid have written poems, so I thought I'd write you a nice song.   It's in [Read] | 5 responses.

Marco Thylo Thygiving And Glanding Along, Let’s Dish!

Marco Thylo <i>Thygiving And Glanding Along</i>, Let’s Dish!

To our American readers, Happy Thygiving. may your thyroids gland calmly in the canyon today. Before we get started, that sounds so seminaree, please pardon the rather jacked font [Read] | 6 responses.

Marco Thylo Are You Thytarded?

Marco Thylo <i>Are You Thytarded</i>?

Recently, it occurred to me just how many parallels there are in our "real" lives that intersect our diseases. For example, we've been having issues with our .org email addresses. I [Read] | 13 responses.

Marco Thylo Entries for the Lightbulb Win a T-Shirt Contest

Marco Thylo Entries for the Lightbulb Win a T-Shirt Contest

When I wrote last week's Marco Thylo, I was riding the snatch express, venting, lamenting and ranting my guts out. After reading everyone's entries (punch lines) to the question, How [Read] | 33 responses.

Marco Thylo Chugga-Chugga-Choo-Choo

Marco Thylo Chugga-Chugga-Choo-Choo

Before we begin, I should tell you that I boarded the Snatch Express about a week ago. Oh, that's a lie -- more like a month ago. Anyhoodle, I was able to hop on at the intersection [Read] | 17 responses.

The Winner of the September Marco Thylo Contest Is…

The Winner of the September Marco Thylo Contest Is…

Thank you to everyone who participated in September's Marco Thylo Win A T-Shirt Contest! Every entry was simply fabulous. We loved each one. The winner of September's contest is... [Read] | 2 responses.

Marco Thylo

Marco Thylo

This has been a hell of a week, great searches and lots of reflective moments. Before we delve into the funny, indulge "Thy x 4" for a few moments, please. You might not like the [Read] | 10 responses.

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