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Wednesday May 1st 2024


Posts Tagged ‘thyroid patients on Dear Levothyroxine’

Here A Milli, There A Milli, Everywhere A Milli, yet no Range

Here A Milli, There A Milli, Everywhere A Milli, yet no Range

Dear Levothyroxine: It’s been pert near 10 years since we first met and you and my body are still not getting along! Why must you act so impish; always wanting to be a different [Read] | 7 responses.

Dear Levothyroxine

Dear Levothyroxine

Dear Levothyroxine, What are you up to, rampaging through my veins for 2 and a half years? With no apparent correlation between my test results and symptoms. I'm begining to think [Read] | 7 responses.