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Posts Tagged ‘thyroid patients speaking out’

Thyrants, September 19-26

Thyrants, September 19-26

, Twitter: @Yodat Thyroid - why would I need my armpit hair to grow at an alarming rate? @christinah84 My TSH is good, but I still feel tired even after 10 hours of sleep. What [Read] | no responses.

How To Kick Your Thyroid’s Ass: Speak When Spoken To?

How To Kick Your Thyroid’s Ass: Speak When Spoken To?

I'm really no good at setting up a scene. A scene as in, you know, literarily, on a page or screen to detail a certain time and space.   Sure I went to school for this stuff, and have [Read] | 50 responses.

Thyrants, September 12-19

Thyrants, September 12-19

Twitter: @EAWake After months of trying to get you back in shape, a test Monday says you're still not happy! Another increase in hormone. @EAWake Thyroid -- What do you want from [Read] | 6 responses.

Thyetry Adenoma

To Dear Thyroid: Adenoma Lay down like a lover hair spreading out behind you, offer up your soft neck. He walks to the switch to turn off the light. ,   Papillion, mariposa, [Read] | 9 responses.

Tell Me, Dear Thyroid, Is Our Issue, Nature or Nurture?

Tell Me, Dear Thyroid, Is Our Issue, Nature or Nurture?

Dear Thyroid, **sigh**,   Where do I start?,   Okay, it's not your fault.   I know that, and I don't blame you.   I blame United Nuclear Corporation for contaminating our drinking [Read] | 12 responses.

It Began With A Goiter, And Ended… Never

It Began With A Goiter, And Ended… Never

Dear Thyroid, A long time ago in a land far, far way, a doctor felt my neck and said, “How long have you had this goiter?" Goiter?! Isn't that something old people have?,   What [Read] | 22 responses.



Dear Thyroid, You are really doing something to me right now. What's going on? I remember reading and hearing “For every high there is a relatively equal low; what goes up must [Read] | 16 responses.

Hashilicious? Not!

Hashilicious? Not!

Dear Sandi's Thyroid, I cannot believe it's now been 33-years since we've been trying to work things out. You kill my metabolism. I try to revive it. The roller coaster ride has [Read] | 14 responses.

Thy Cracky

Thy Cracky

Dear Thyroid, First of all, I DO have to say that yesterday; the 4th of July was a lovely day. I spent the day with a friend drinking strong iced coffee, and then visiting several [Read] | 11 responses.

Thyrants, August 8-14

Thyrants, August 8-14

Twitter @danabaker,  Just saw pictures of myself in high school, when you were "normal" and my hair was gorgeous. Now it's thin and brittle because of YOU. @danabaker Thank you [Read] | 2 responses.

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