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Posts Tagged ‘thyroid patients venting’

Thyrants, September 19-26

Thyrants, September 19-26

, Twitter: @Yodat Thyroid - why would I need my armpit hair to grow at an alarming rate? @christinah84 My TSH is good, but I still feel tired even after 10 hours of sleep. What [Read] | no responses.

How To Kick Your Thyroid’s Ass: Speak When Spoken To?

How To Kick Your Thyroid’s Ass: Speak When Spoken To?

I'm really no good at setting up a scene. A scene as in, you know, literarily, on a page or screen to detail a certain time and space.   Sure I went to school for this stuff, and have [Read] | 50 responses.

Thyrants, September 12-19

Thyrants, September 12-19

Twitter: @EAWake After months of trying to get you back in shape, a test Monday says you're still not happy! Another increase in hormone. @EAWake Thyroid -- What do you want from [Read] | 6 responses.

Thyrants, August 22-29

Thyrants, August 22-29

Twitter: @YodatI Can't really think of a thyrant right now. Maybe that is my,  thyrant!???? @EAWake,  I feel another bout of frozen shoulder coming up! Leave me alone! 4th one [Read] | 3 responses.

Thyrants August 15-21st

Thyrants  August 15-21st

Before we move onto the thylliant Thyrants of the week, in the past month or so, we've received quite a few letters from our Dear Thyroid writers, written from their thyroids to their [Read] | 7 responses.

Forgive and Forget, In Your Dreams, Thyroid

Forgive and Forget, In Your Dreams, Thyroid

Dear Thyroid, It finally hit home at my last doctor's visit. What's left of you is never going to get any better. My body has decided to destroy you completely, and I will have to [Read] | 13 responses.

Thyrants, August 8-14

Thyrants, August 8-14

Twitter @danabaker,  Just saw pictures of myself in high school, when you were "normal" and my hair was gorgeous. Now it's thin and brittle because of YOU. @danabaker Thank you [Read] | 2 responses.

Membership in the Gland Canyon has its Benefits

Membership in the Gland Canyon has its Benefits

Are you a new inductee into the Jacked Thyroid Club? Gosh, you must be itching and burning like a yeast infection to know what your immediate future holds, right?! When American [Read] | 15 responses.