We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Friday May 3rd 2024


Posts Tagged ‘written by Melissa Travis’

Chronic Snarkopolist: Healing from the Inside Out

Chronic Snarkopolist: Healing from the Inside Out

Hello my loves.  You’ve been so fabulous! You are my bright sparkly things! Today I am reflecting more and more how the healthcare system is made up of humans attempting to heal [Read] | one response.

Chronic Snarkopolist: Healing with Vulnerability, Sharing, and Reciprocity

Chronic Snarkopolist: Healing with Vulnerability, Sharing, and Reciprocity

Hello my loves! Thank you so much for being in my life! I have said so many times to my friends - sharing your stories heals. And I have meant it.  Sharing our deep pains with others [Read] | 12 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: Surrender Into Support

Chronic Snarkopolist: Surrender Into Support

Hello my loves! Have I mentioned how much I adore you? You are so brilliant and beautiful! I was so overwhelmed with your kind words and thoughts last week.  I’m always so amazed [Read] | 7 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: The Snarkopolist Way to Educating Yourself As A Patient

Chronic Snarkopolist: <i>The Snarkopolist Way to Educating Yourself As A Patient</i>

Hello sassiest ones! I was snarking around lately when I received another question from one of you.  It was a BRILLIANT question that every doctor, therapist, psychologist, physical [Read] | 20 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: The Snarkopolist Method to Breaking Up with a Shitty Doctor: (50 errr 3 Ways to Leave Your Doctor)

Chronic Snarkopolist: <i>The Snarkopolist Method to Breaking Up with a Shitty Doctor: (50 <s>errr</s> 3 Ways to Leave Your Doctor)</i>

Hello my loves! I want to thank you all for the wonderful well wishes on my last and final surgery! I have come through with flying colors and am now getting the rest and recuperation [Read] | 23 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: Ghost Stories: When Did Sick Get Scary?

Chronic Snarkopolist: Ghost Stories: <i>When Did Sick Get Scary?</i>

Hello my loves! Last week we discussed our worst medical moments.  This week I want to delve more deeply in our collective psyches. Let’s pull up our Freudian sofas and lie back.  [Read] | 16 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: What’s Your Worst Medical Story?!

Chronic Snarkopolist: What’s Your Worst Medical Story?!

As I write this I am waiting for my rheumatologist to call me back. Actually she is not my regular rheumatologist, she is the “on call” doc because my regular rheumy is out of the [Read] | 25 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: My Pooper Paparazzi

Chronic Snarkopolist: <i>My Pooper Paparazzi</i>

Hello cats! I am so excited to be back with you!  I just got back from visiting the poop-shoot doc.  We were discussing the big “slice-em dice-em day.”  That’s right.  I’m [Read] | 19 responses.

Chronic Snarkopolist: Medical Debtfetti

Chronic Snarkopolist: Medical Debtfetti

Please welcome Melissa Travis! Melissa is one of our new columnists. She also happens to be a comedy writer contending with chronic and multiple autoimmune conditions, and cancer. [Read] | 23 responses.

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