We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Wednesday May 1st 2024


Community Outreach

Dear Thyroid Community Outreach for Thyroid Patients and Families

Dear Thyroid believes in the power of offline support as much as we believe in the power of online support. Community outreach is a vital ingredient to our core objectives.

Sadly, thyroid diseases and cancers make us as patients and families of patients, feel isolated. Patients have a propensity to head into seclusion, more often than not. Our bodies and minds morph into unrecognizable strangers. How do we begin to explain this to ourselves, much less to “the others”?! From thyroid induced mental illnesses to physically feeling like we can’t get out of bed, or face another day, which might mean yet another symptom, and so many other things. Similarly, families don’t know how, or who to talk to about how their loved one’s disease has indelibly imprinted their lives.

Additionally, community outreach for patients is an opportunity to feel less alone and empowered by connecting with other thyroid patients. We get to speak in shorthand, understanding on such a deep level what the other person has been through.

In the end, hopefully we will define ourselves and not be defined by our diseases. We’ll grow closer to coming out of the Thyloset, and create awareness for this disease in the process. Just check out the Pembroke Meet Up, in their words, read about Lori and Natasha’s experience meeting offline.

We invite you to please participate in our ongoing Dear Thyroid Local Meet Ups and Our Dear Thyroid Telephone Meet Ups.

For offline support, whether you’d like to host at a public venue or participate, please contact Kerri@dearthyroid.org with your location and email address. Katie will get you connected with people in your area and help you schedule an event. We’ll also get it calendared on the Dear Thyroid Calendar.

For online support, whether you’d like to host or participate, please contact Kerri@dearthyroid.org with your Skype Username or another phone service you’d like to use, and Katie will help you get connected with other thyroid patients interested in speaking with each other over the phone.

Together, we can find our way back to ourselves and reclaim our lives. And, we can re-brand the face of this disease. One day, with a lot of work, time and patience, we can find a cure for our thyroid diseases and thyroid cancers.

Family Community Outreach is forthcoming in the month of December!

Reader Feedback

One Response to “Community Outreach”

  1. David Fields says:

    ‘Just discovered this website tonight.
    I am ill and need medical help, but I can’t get help. Why? – because I’m on Medicaid(NOT Medicare).
    Three months looking in/around Chicago/Northern Suburbs(Evanston) and all I get are the “no Armour Thyroid”orthodox mainstream pharma-kissing doctors/clinics.
    I’ve been to Every website from BrodaBarnes – stopthethyroidmadness.com. ‘Can’t get my foot in the door.
    Does ANYONE at this seemingly decent & good website know any leads/MD’s in my area that might accept me(Medicaid)?
    I’m not yet part of this site’s community, so perhaps my request (introduction?) is abit too much. It’s a cry for help. i’m slowing down as the weeks go bye.
    Goodbye for now
    ‘Hope To Hear Soon – Please e-mail me
    David F.

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