We Are At The Beginning Of Change…
Thursday May 2nd 2024


Before, Now And Later

Post Published: 03 October 2009
Category: Dear Thyroid News, Dear Thyroid Updates
This post currently has 8 responses. Leave a comment

Liz will be posting Thyrants later on today, so I thought I would take this opportunity to say a few things, that is if you don’t mind indulging me for a moment.

I have been living inside my head lately, more so than usual. I suppose the difference of late, is that I don’t feel trapped inside my head. I believe I’m there because it’s where I need to be. Thinking, thinking, thinking, about so many things.

A few weeks ago, I wrote a Marco Thylo post that included our weird ass searches, of course. I also wrote about how well we can walk through the fire and, among other things, how important it is that we band together as a collective to invoke change.

Kairol Rosenthal, author of the book “Everything Changes”, wrote a post called “Using Sex to Sell Breast Cancer“. I encourage you to read it and join the discussion. Her post made me think about what I wrote, while affirming two things I believe to be true. The first; honest, irreverent portrayals of our disease can and should be sexy, to remind us that we, women and men, are sexy. We haven’t lost our mojo (love that word, it’s so camp and wrong). We have been re-branded without consent, but the grit and soul of our identity remains intact. Changing public perception to see us as beautiful, smart and sexy in spite of… has merit and value, it’s something that needs to happen. The second; though it sickens me to write this, celebrity attachment to disease and cause, invokes change and parleys into research money. How do we feel about that? If we hate it, in my opinion, we can view this as an opportunity to take matters into our own hands to create the change we seek and need.

As you see, I have good reason to be inside my head. Care to join me inside my head? You’re welcome to spend a day there. Har.

The Thyperimenirific Thygraph Contest; so far, we have received many funny, irreverent and enlightened submissions. The deadline for submissions is Thursday. I beg you to please submit. The winners will be,  chosen by Mary Shomon,  and will receive a free copy of her latest book, The Menopause Thyroid Solution.

Which brings me to another point I wanted to make. Dear Thyroidians, your thyliteraryliciousness makes my day. Reading your comments, letters, emails, tweets and facebook posts, is such a gift. Thank you. Do you realize that you invoke change every time you write? Speaking for myself, I feel less alone, more brave, and,  laugh and cry a lot when I read your words. Don’t stop writing, keep speaking up and out about how your disease,  makes you,  feel, on your terms and in your words. You are gems, each and every one of you. How did I get to be so damn lucky to meet so many amazing women, men and teens, huh?!

I digress…

It’s a fuckin’ digressfest on Dear Thyroid today, ain’t it?! Liz Schau is running a FABULOUS two-month liver detox challenge. Have you visited the site? Have you joined? You must. I’m joining. I want my liver to feel liverlicious. The liver plays such a vital role in our thyroids. Thanks to Liz, I know that now. Before, who knew?! Like a schmuck, I thought if I was a lushy lusharella, I’d have liver issues. Oh, was I wrong.

Finally, loverdeedos, have you submitted photos for Dear Thyroid’s October Flickr Pool? The theme is BEAUTIFUL. Check out some of the submissions so far, they took my wig off and I don’t wear a wig.

Again, Thyrants will be posted this afternoon. Thanks for indulging me.



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Reader Feedback

8 Responses to “Before, Now And Later”

  1. Robyn Hahn says:

    “Speaking for myself, I feel less alone, more brave, and laugh and cry a lot when I read your words. Don’t stop writing, keep speaking up and out about how your disease makes you feel, on your terms and in your words. You are gems, each and every one of you. ”

    This is how I feel everytime I read a letter, and especially the comments. I have little physical support (hubs is ALWAYS overseas, it seems), and this site literally gets me through my days frequently. Good days, bad days, whatev, this is my life now and it is not only good to know that I am alone, but to know that we are all connected and supportive.

    Kudos to you all, and keep up the good work!

  2. Curious Carol says:

    The Flickr pool link is broken.

  3. Angel says:

    I just love this site,I would be so lost if I hadn’t found YOU! Speaking up and letting Thyroidians alike to know we are not alone is a Blessing in Thyguise !!! Keep those chins(as 2 that I have now) up!!

  4. Lolly says:

    I haven’t been here very long, but I feel part of this great thyommunity. I can be serious when I want to be, which isn’t very often. I look forward daily now, to reading what everyone has written, and can relate to a lot of it.
    Katie and Liz thank you for making me so welcome, I hope you don’t live to regret it.
    And for everyone else I hope I can bring a smile to your faces a laugh from deep within and the support that everyone of us need.


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