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We Are Teenagers. Please, Thyroid, Leave My Friend Alone

Post Published: 05 October 2009
Category: Dear Thyroid Family Letters
This post currently has 21 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Rebekah’s Thyroid,

That’s it.

I have had more than enough of you and your stupid ‘antics’. I would like you to stop your games and get back to doing your job properly now, okay? I’ve had enough of you making her sick ALL the time, making her worry, stopping her from coming to school, stopping her from talking to her friends face-to-face, stopping her from having a full life. It is not fair, so you had better stop mucking around. She has had,  more than enough doctor’s appointments and blood tests because of you. She should not need to meet anymore of these specialists that you are forcing her to travel to.

I am not sure why you insist on making her life even harder? She has been through more than enough and does not need YOU to top it all off. We have to go to school, do our homework, assignments, and exams, be social, be kind, polite, forgiving, help our parents without complaint and we get by. We do it.

So I don’t see why your small job is such a problem? She is much too young to be worrying about these things.

I am sick of you, just like she is.

As our old history teacher would say, “You had better start getting your act together, or else.

That is all for now, you should consider yourself warned. Okay?

Now get back to work.

Yours Sincerely,


(Bio): I am 16 years old and am in grade 11 at school in Australia. My good friend has recently discovered that her thyroid is to blame for her constant illnesses; I guess this is,  my weird way of letting her know that I’m on her side.

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21 Responses to “We Are Teenagers. Please, Thyroid, Leave My Friend Alone”

  1. Bee says:

    your good friend is very lucky to have you in her corner—thanks for caring so much about her and for her.

  2. Marilyn says:


    You are a wonderful friend! Your compassion is a great encouragement to her, I am sure. Thank you for stopping and writing your lovely letter.

  3. Robyn says:

    I’m delighted that you have taken the time to give Rebekah’s thyroid the business! It really speaks to both your characters, and I wish you both the best–together you can conquer the world (or at least high school 😉

  4. Rebekah says:

    Rebekah loves Catherine muchly.
    Enough said.



  5. Lolly says:

    What a gracious and noble thing to do, write a letter to Rebeka’s thyroid telling them what you think.
    Sounds like she has a really good friend in you.
    Thank you for sharing it.

  6. Catherine,
    what a great great letter. It is nice of you to stand by your friend and you are so thoughtful to think of her in relation to her health. A true friend you are!

  7. Catherine says:

    Thanks everyone 🙂

    Lots of love always,

  8. Bee says:

    It’s Bek’s B-day? have a nap on me…

  9. Lolly says:

    Happy Birthday Rebeka,

  10. Rebekah says:

    haha :]
    Thanks guys

  11. Sarina Bray says:

    i guess I not understanding this web site yet, Im 60 not 16 and I hate all this, I had a gastric bypass and lost 200 lBS, and I’d better not gain it back because of all this, Im not a happy camper one damn bit. Had my thyroid cancer taken out one week ago and feel like crap…

  12. Zoe D says:

    Rebekah (and her silly thyroid) are very lucky to have Catherine! I’m going to start yelling at my thyroid a bit now.

    I’m also glad that Rebekah was able to determine the nature of her problems while still in her teens. I began having problems around age 10 and I was 24 before I was diagnosed.

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