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Thyorry Seems to be the Hardest Thing to Say

Post Published: 20 October 2009
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 11 responses. Leave a comment

letters from thyroids to patients, hashimoto's thyroid disease, dear thyroid letters

Dear Christina;

You keep asking me why I am doing this to you. I am not doing anything to you, your own body is.

It started a while ago, I can, ´t even say when, but suddenly your body turned against me. Everyday a little piece of me vanished quietly without getting noticed by you. I tried to keep up and fight as long as I could, but that, ´s over now.

I know that you are suffering from fatigue, weight gain, a foggy brain and so many more life altering symptoms, but I didn, ´t know how to get your attention otherwise.

We thyroids are not always giving our hosts all that trouble on purpose.

There are cases when we are destroyed by your immune system. Sometimes those symptoms that you feel are our way of crying out for help.

That what, ´s happening to me too’ I am sorry to give you such a hard time.

I had to do this to make sure that you got the medical help you needed before I was completely gone.

Trust me; I liked spending time with you, even if I was under attack for most of it.

Those meds that you are taking now will help you to fight the symptoms I cause.

You will have to fight to make it through this. You will have to stay optimistic and positive. I know you can do this!

It won’t be long till I, ´m completely gone. I will try to stay around as long as I can, but once I, ´m gone, I hope you will remember me for being a part of you, a part that slowly faded away.

Please don, ´t remember me as the cause of all the trouble you are having now.

I wish I wouldn, ´t have had to put you trough this.

Keep your head up.

I know you will be feeling better soon,

Your little thyroid

(Bio) My name is Christina Hütten and I am 25 years old. I got diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease two weeks ago, but I have been dealing with it for a long time before that and there is almost nothing left of my thyroid.

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11 Responses to “Thyorry Seems to be the Hardest Thing to Say”

  1. Hi Christina-
    Your letter is beautiful. From your “tweets” it sounds as if you are getting better with every passing day. Which is good good news! I hope your energy levels continue to rise and that you get the sleep that you so deserve. 😉

    Be well,

  2. Robyn says:

    I’m so sorry. Early after diagnosis is such a time of change–figuring out how to manage your disease, your symptoms, etc. I went through all the stages of grief, and you might too. We’re here to help through the ups and downs!

  3. Lolly says:


    You do sound so sweet. Your thyroid letter to yourself honest and open, thanks for sharing it with us.
    I wish my thyroid had told me it was causing all my problems, and quit playing hide and seek hiding from the enemy who invaded it. Confusing the doctors by masking itself as something else.

    We Thyupport you all the way. Happy healing and positive outcome coming your way.

    And as for your Perky tweets I hope your not using them for skipping, that’s Bees Job.

  4. Sarina Bray says:

    I actually loved you last night, cause I was laying in the ER passing a kidney stone, OUCH< and forgot about your ass for a while! Ha Ha

  5. Bee says:

    I actually feel a little sorry for your thyroid-but not as sorry as I do for you just starting your thyroid journey—so glad you found us hell-raisers at the beginning of your travels …I was a nutcase before I ever found my 1st support group and wish I’d found them sooner—We are here to help make your trip a little easier—-and we can give you tips on how to be really pissed off- you sound far too nice (just kidding) B

  6. Christina says:

    Thank you all for your great comments on my,well my
    thyroids letter.
    I’m starting to feel better,but that’s
    Mostly because of you and all your support.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and
    your experience.

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