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You Are A Thyrocious, Vile Thyroid, Shame On You

Post Published: 04 November 2009
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 11 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Thyroid;

This is why I hate you and miss you at the same time. At one point in my life, while I still had you, I was an insulin-dependent diabetic. You helped me to lose the weight and I was able to stop using the needles. Life was good, wasn’t it thyroid? We were such good pals. Over the years, working as a team, we went from a size 28 to a size 4. Those were good times.

Just last year, we were doing so well together that they took me off all my diabetes medication because we had everything under control. Do you remember? We were so happy. It was a day neither of us thought would ever come.

But then you got sick on me, dear thyroid. You betrayed my body and me. You back stabbing little bitch. I’m facing my third neck surgery because of you. And even though you are gone, as is most of the cancer, I still have a year of cosmetic surgery and treatment to remove the hideous scar you insisted on leaving behind. A scar that is a constant reminder of how good life used to be before you started hating me.

But that wasn’t bad enough, was it? I’ve gained twenty pounds since you left and even though I’m on the same diet that worked so well for us these last six years, my blood sugar is now out of control. Instead of being off all medication, I’m up to 20 pills a day. The diabetes medication makes me sick, and you know that, but yet now I have to take it twice a day. And if I still continue to gain weight, I’ll be back on insulin by Christmas.

I don’t know what I did to piss you off so much that you had to destroy my body. But here I am, learning to live life without you.

(Bio) Chris is a 29-year-old thyroid cancer survivor still waiting for remission.   An aspiring author, she spends her free time with other thyroid cancer survivors, freelance marketing, baking for friends, reading and playing with her two dogs.

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11 Responses to “You Are A Thyrocious, Vile Thyroid, Shame On You”

  1. amy says:

    Chris, I am deeply sorry for what you have been through! I hope that things will turn around for you soon! Keep fighting…you are worth it! This too shall pass! Love, Amy

  2. Robyn says:

    So close and yet so far. You’ve come a long way, and I have no doubt you will conquer this too. Keep plugging away one day at a time!

  3. Paula says:

    *hand raised*

    I also am a thyroid-cancer survivor. I tell my young friends that I was attacked by pirates, hence the cut-throat scar. It commands a lot of respect, let me tell you.

    Fight back, sister! Fight the damn pirates!!

  4. Jen says:

    Chris, this makes me so sad. You certainly are dealing with a lot. Keep fighting…just keep fighting! As Churchill said, never, never, never give up. You can hang in there and beat this thing!

  5. Zari says:

    Chris I’m really sorry to hear about this. I hope you are able to regain some sort of equilibrium. My brother is diabetic, but he seems to be okay as long as he takes his medication.


  6. BEE says:

    Damn, girl!!! You are my hero for today. It’s easy enough for me to bitch and moan about my stupid hypothyroidism—then i read stories like yours and realize i really can just play at bitching and moaning—you are the one O-ficially REALLY allowed to bitch and moan… and now for a joke to try and make you smile today:
    Why do women have 2 sets of lips? So we can bitch and moan at the same time…tada…

  7. Lolly says:


    You have every right to bitch about your thyroid, boy that SOB has put you thorugh some shit and with now two diseases to contend with and trying to gettthe balance right, you sound a strong person and I am sure with time you will be in a better place all round, keep on fighting that’s what I do.

    I nearly dead with AS antiphospholipid syndrome then two years later GD and TED I think to myself what the fuck next, but each thing that comes along I try to deal with it head on.
    The day I gave up is the day Graves becomes a reality.


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