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Thylove In The Gland Canyon, YES!

Post Published: 27 November 2009
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 10 responses. Leave a comment

Dear Thyroid,

Today is the first real day of my life, that I can say wholeheartedly “I love you”. Our journey together has been a tumultuous one, but one that I have come to terms with and accepted many years ago. With each passing year, you have either thrown me an easy, stress-free year, or a battle of wills prompting me to fight for my life. And I as look back over the years, you have always called the shots, and I have succumbed to you, following along behind. But just a short month ago Thyroid, I re-took my lead position, and asked you in return, for compliance, for harmony, and most of all, co-dependence. I need you in my life, just as you need me. And this new-found relationship that we have embarked on, has been an extreme gift, and for that, I owe you everything,

Thyroid, thank you for uniting with the other components in my body, and as a whole, we are surviving, and we are at last, happy. We all thank you for expressing your needs to us, and we will continue to work with you, hand in hand, to ensure your happiness and healthfulness, as well. I just have one huge favor to ask of you.

As you know Thyroid, the past thirteen years I have been barren. Doctors have stated on numerous occasions that I could never conceive a child. At first, I blamed you, I despised you, I loathed you. I knew that you were the crux of my infertility, and to me, I was never going to forgive you. But over the years, my hatred has slowed, and I have learned to embrace this fact of life, and in essence, have forgiven you. This forgiveness, Thyroid, has allowed me to stop worrying about the future, and just live for the day.

Well, Thyroid, my request a month ago, as you recall, was complete unwavering love, and learning to work and operate together. And in that short period of time, I became pregnant!

Thyroid, I implore you, to accept this fetus as a normal tenant in my body, and not as an unwanted alien force. The health of my baby depends on you, so now, more than ever, find me. Let’s chat. Whatever you need, now is the time to ask, and trust me, you shall receive. My getting pregnant is a miracle. You working with all of us, ensuring our health is a gift. ALL I ask of you now, is to allow MY gift to grow, turning into a healthy baby. Instead of everyone always “booing” you, you are now in the positive spotlight, and everyone is cheering you on.

Thank you again for listening to me, Thyroid. My dream in life was to become a mommy, and now, that dream has the potential to become my reality. I do love you…. for all that you have put me through, forcing me to embrace this day even more.


(Bio) My name is Courtney Hamm, and I am a thyroid survivor. I have suffered from Hashimoto’s for the past thirteen years. I have,  ridden the emotional roller coaster that we have all ridden, and it seemed,  as if there,  was no end in sight. I am 31 years old, and each day, was a challenge. But I refuse to allow this to consume me any longer. I am a figher, and I am going to beat this; just like the rest of you will.

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Reader Feedback

10 Responses to “Thylove In The Gland Canyon, YES!”

  1. Robyn says:

    Congratulations!!! I wish a healthy and worry free pregnancy for you and your baby!!!

  2. Robin says:

    Congratulations! I hope you have a healthy, happy pregnancy.

  3. Lolly says:

    Courtney what a beautiful letter,

    Congratulations on your pregnancy.I’ve know quite a few people with thyroid disease graves and hashitmoto’s disease who have had very successful pregnancies, and I wish you all the best with yours.

    I am sure you will be monitored throughout, and taken very good care of.

    Here’s to a healthy, happy pregnancy keeping fighting all the way that’s what makes you a thyrooper!!

  4. Bee says:

    here’s to a healthy pregnancy,. keep up the positive attitude. many of us should take lessons from your outlook.

  5. Congratulaions – kill the thyroid with kindness approach. I likee.

  6. Zari says:

    A beautifully written letter. I wish you all the best with your pregnancy and the next few decades of parenthood.


  7. lori says:

    Courtney, that is an absolutely beautiful letter. I can feel your peace and happiness, the good place you are in now.

    Congratulations to you and your family!

  8. dearthyroid says:

    Thanks to all you lovely people who have said such nice things. Isn’t this just the best letter ever? The best news we could hope to hear!

  9. Matthew says:

    Congratulations Courtney!

  10. Courtney says:

    Thank you ALL, for such wonderful words. I am currently 18 weeks along, and things are progressing nicely. I am considered to be high-risk, but the OB docs see me every eght days!! This baby is fixing my body… and by that I mean, never in my life have my blood panels been so normal. TSH is a little elevated, but that is to be expected. I am so over-joyed with my miracle…and since my thyroid is working with the other glands, instead of mastering them, I have this inner peace that everything is going to be perfect. Thanks again for all your comments… it measns the world to me 🙂

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