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Dear Thyroid TeleThyone Meet Ups

Post Published: 28 November 2009
Category: Dear Thyroid Meet-Ups and Support
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Dear Thyroid Telephone meet ups, Thyroid patients telephone support

Two of our wonderful community members, one in the US (BillieB) and one in the UK (Lollylicious) very much wanted to meet up. One would think that all of the H2O between them would have hindered their gathering. Oh, no, no, no; these two birds were so determined, they came up with a new and wonderful kind of Dear Thyroid Offline Support Group – “Dear Thyroid TeleThyone Meet Ups”.

How much do we love this idea?! It’s a perfect continuation of our offline support! To recap, in addition to Dear Thyroid Offline Support Locally, we are now including “Dear Thyroid TeleThyone Meet Ups.

Via Skype, with a Username, it’s 100% free to chat with each other, regardless of where we’re located. We can even have conference calls. Other types of VOIP (voice over IP FREE services include: Oovoo and another service that offers a free trial is Maestro Conference Services. If you have any ideas for other services, please email them to Katie@dearthyroid.com.

Billie and Lolly’s first “Dear Thyroid TeleThyone Meet Up“, chatterbrain session is scheduled for Sunday, 8AM (US)/Noon (UK). They’re going to email us and let us know exactly how it went. We can’t wait to hear all about their experience of talking to another thyroidian and will post it straightaway.

If anyone is interested in participating and hosting their own “Dear Thyroid TeleThyone meet Up”, please email katie@dearthyroid.com with your Skype Username and I’ll help you get it scheduled, we’ll also calendar it in the Dear Thyroid Calendar.

Love in the Gland Canyon continues… Ah bliss.

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9 Responses to “Dear Thyroid TeleThyone Meet Ups”

  1. Lolly says:


    Love the name and can’t wait to talk to miss Billie although she informs me she doesn’t understand the English so going to have to teach her a few words.

    Ca’;t take all the credit for this Miss katie I put it to you and you loved it so all down to you too, so credit where credit is due.

    Loving the picture it wasn’t so long ago I looked like that and could bare my all while chatting on the phone after all who could see me, who would care. Only thing is how was I to know you couldn’t do it in a public phone box

    And I am all for the Skype thanks for putting me onto that will email my details when I have joined headphones should be here next week..

    Billie..talk to you tomorrow wait.

  2. lori says:

    Oh, Lolly and Billie, this is sooo exciting. TeleThyone…so *COOL*.

    I can’t wait to hear all about it.


  3. Bee says:

    geesh—-all these new words(skype)—I’ll have to do a google on that one—Lolly, i’ll be talking w/ you at 8ish a.m. Sunday. Katie, report to follow….B

  4. Lolly says:

    Can’t wait Billie, ask Katie or Liz what Skype is, it’s cool next thing will be a big thyconference.

    Lori we will let you all know how it went, I feel I know Billie anyway we’ve been friends for sometime but never actually spoken yet.

  5. Bee says:

    for those of you not on FB, I’ll post something here about DTs 1st telethyone phone call, Operation Chatterbrain—and that’s exactly what Lolly and I did; chattered our brains. We talked for almost 2 hrs. but it seemed like only 10 min went by. She’s one smart cookie when it comes to thyroid labs so I picked her brain a bit. But we mostly got to have that real conversation that enforced the friendship we’d developed thru thyroid forums. It was great putting a voice behind the words. We sorted out our families-something you tend not to do in depth when your writing about in depth thyroid issues.We spoke of our geographic locations which helped form a location in our brains that could be found on a map. We had a chance to talk about ordinary things like our pets and the joy they bring us.We talked about our lives pre thyroid disease and both came to the conclusion that no way in hell would we be able to work as hard as we used to with the burden of this illness on our shoulders.But -as I knew we would- we LAUGHED. My long lost sister and I laughed…and laughed. We even got my husband, Archie Bunker,on the phone and he laughed. He was supposed to speak southern For Lolly but ended up speaking his made up Aussie Brit accent thrown in with a few “C’mon BAABEES”so we laughed some more. We may have an ocean between us; but this friendship is here to stay—Fookin’A

  6. yodat/Jody says:

    sounds so cool! I am glad you gals got together! 🙂

  7. lori says:

    It was great to hear all about it and so glad you two got to talk.

    Thanks for sharing,

  8. Lolly says:

    What I wrote on FB and more..

    My perspective on operation chat for England with a southern drool Telethyone..well what can I say I had to change my Tenna ladies three times , Billie is too hilarious, and lovely too talk too we could have carried on for hours. Just as we were about to say our goodbyes here comes hunk of a hubby (does she not know I love men in uniform especially as I’ve been known just to go visit Fire stations so I can just slide up and down that pole)he had all these accents but when he said bondage well I almost peed myself again (note to self what ever you do don’t go see the urologist I hear they’re worst than Gyno’s). I think he meant Vondage good job Miss Billie was there she saved him from a very embarrassing moment. Me I’m all for it.
    I got me alot of sisters in the USA WTF was my mother up too during the!!!… well we won’t say what year.

    Well I would have been here sooner doing this but had to go brave the wet windy weather just to get a few things from the local shop, so here I am dripping water from my head and this time It ain’t thyroid related because it was raining cats and dogs.( thank Fook it isn’t cats and dogs or I wouldn’t be sitting here now doing this I think I might be suffering with some kind of concussion or worst still needing a cat scan and dog gone it a animal welfare to come dig me out)

    Billie we got to do this again sometime I enjoyed our chat and it made my day much brighter despite the rain, think we covered everything from bonadge to sex to children pets lovcation accents, thyroid, haemorrhoids and androids..I loved talking to you and could have chatted for hours more..Must do it again sometime. I recommend it to all you thyroidians out there great to connect with others.

  9. Lolly says:

    Billie we may be oceans apart, but yesterday i felt like we were closer than ever as if I could smell your coffee and picture hubby trying out his new English accent..

    It made my day much brighter despite the rain.

    fooking fantabulous!!

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