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Thyrants, November 21 — 28

Post Published: 28 November 2009
Category: Thyrants, Thyrants and Thyraves, Thyroid Symptoms Discussion
This post currently has 4 responses. Leave a comment



@Yodat My thyroid made me sign up to run a 5K on Turkey Day. “I think I can I think I can…

@KristenDeem I’d be mighty grateful this Thanksgiving if my effing hair would grow back!

@KristenDeem An MD (informatics genius) I work with just said “endocrine testing is a bit like black magic…” -perfectly put.

@catchyseachild My stupid voice is all cracking and can’t pick a range again. Ugh.


Katie Lynch Dear thyroid, why have you been making my face so swollen lately? I’ve had no soda, little salt and followed all of your other rules. Why can’t you play fair?

A Melissa Dorado I had to get out my seat two times in my university class to go, plus I go during class every time. How embarrassing! The teacher has an attitude and tells me to sit in the corner so as not to interrupt the class. I almost went off on her because she’s a disease something or other professor. Why should I have to strain to see sitting in the corner? Especially with this eye b.s. problem? and then people must think I have diarrhea or something. Yay! I’m a Thyrant

Sarina Favazza-Bray Oh gosh lets see, I went to 5 doctors this week so far, all disagree on treatment for my cancer thyroid and lymphoma, so now they want to me to go a center in Houston to get another opinion and continue the torture, all agree something has to be done, so just do it already, why the torture, I’m sick of it, I’m worn, tired, drained, depressed, sick, tired, distressed, devoid of tears, angry, nervous, distrustful, gaining weight, weary, unhappy. I’ve started twitching, nerves of course, had to stop my lupus meds, which brings on more pain, I’m horse every morning and every night, I’m horizontal more than vertical, I don’t have the energy to rant, just type, I have to be void of all x-ray isotopes and radiation before I get my new i131 radiation for my cancer for at least 6 weeks which puts me into February, go figure, and now they have put me on a small amount of Synthroid to get me thru the holidays, then in the middle of January I have to get off then to get ready for the radiation in February…now is this a rant or what!!! i could have put all kind of curse works and swear words and just blew the roof off of you but why, nothing is gonna change and I have to deal…and IM wondering why, why me, and wondering why now and wondering what on good green earth did I do to deserve this, then I see a child with cancer and in the hospital and say Shut the hell up be glad I’m not one of those , and if IA could I’d take there pain for them, so no rant, no rave, just COPE and shut the hell up….Happy turkey day all…

Pamela Lau A big thyrave goes out to the awesome Dear Thyroid community!

Chris Prestano Better late than never… I got a thyrant for today: The movie (and books) “Crazy Sexy Cancer” are NOT porn for cancer patients. F*cking perverts.

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4 Responses to “Thyrants, November 21 — 28”

  1. Lolly says:

    Happy Turkey day to all the DT thyummunity..what great rants.

    Sarina..so sorry you are having to go through all this, just stopping and looking at a young child with cancer sure brings it home.
    You will get there, things will improve, it just takes time and a hell of alot of patience,

    It’s good they have put you in some synthroid lets hope you see some improvement over the holidays, ready to face the battle once again. You got us all backing you girl you can do it.

    Yodat/Jody ..Yeah you did the 5k so proud of you I hope those pants didn’t catch fire. And those thyoobs didn’t hinder you.

    Bee..You best not have no Carbs tomorrow want you in fine fettle.

    I hope you all had a great thanksgiving and didn’t over do it on the food.

    Liz I hope they all enjoyed what you cooked I bet it was amazing, you go girl.


  2. Kit in St. Louis says:


    I’m a singer too. I was hoping that with getting my thyroid out and my levels regulated this voice cracking (right in my range transition, sounds awful!), would stop.

    Not! I’m wondering it it’s purely autoimmune…now that my thyroid isn’t there to be attacked, it’s still going for my larynx?

  3. dearthyroid says:

    Thanks Lolly 🙂 I thought it was pretty yummy. A bunch of veg: roasted squash, peas, green beans and garlic, and I brought my own salmon. I thought it was rather good. 🙂

  4. dearthyroid says:

    Kit & Catchyseachild,

    I’m NO singer, but this has been the story of my life — a voice that feels unregulated and won’t cooperate with me. Gotta think it’s all related to that little area inside our necks??

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