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Thysurance Woes From A Choice Thyrella

Post Published: 30 December 2009
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 10 responses. Leave a comment

Written by: Sharen

Dear Thyroid;

Well, went to pick up the medication that the insurance company wants me to take, and not my cytomel, and the pharmacist questioned me continuing due to my not catching my breath, high blood pressure and I looked horrible.  She said if I must, take the friendly bennadryl a half hour before I take this drug.

Got home and I received the letter from the insurance company stating that the cytomel is not on their list of drugs and I have to continue with their choice!

So, I called my thyroid doctors office and talked with Becky who is a dream, and told me to talk as little as possible, for she could hear what I was going through.   She looked up the company and she will try to reach them and try to do what they want her to do so that I can have my medication.   She will also talk to the doctor about my reaction to this medication, should I just go cold turkey?!

As I am sitting here writing to you, I am pondering other avenues to look down.   I know that I have been given this challenge for a reason, so I am wondering, where this road will lead me…


(Bio) I am 59 years young, with a wonderful supporting husband and a son who we are both so proud of.   I am an artist that designs names with positive thoughts for children and for adults. I look at things that are a challenge as gifts that we can either accept and enjoy or scoff at and not appreciate what this challenge is. Lady Morningstars Drawings

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10 Responses to “Thysurance Woes From A Choice Thyrella”

  1. SushiThyroid says:

    That is insane.

    I’m not a fan of big box stores, but the closest place for me to get my meds between work and home is Walmart. For whatever reason, my insurance doesn’t cover 90 day scripts of my Synthroid. I was out of it the day I had my new script, not realizing my doc had written it out as 90 days.

    I was deflated as I realized the issue, but the pharmacist was really nice and said that they could just split it up into 30 days. My insurance will cover 30 days. YAY!!

    WRONG. I got a letter from my insurance saying that if I do that again and don’t use mail order service, they will stop my coverage. SRSLY??? Stop my coverage because of how the script was written?

    Sharen, I soooooo hope they figure something out for you. I don’t even understand how this happens. It is insane.

  2. Lori says:

    That is just plain crazy! Talk about making someone jump through hoops. They do that hoping you won’t bother and will just give up.

    When my insurance won’t cover a particular drug, my docs office has always been great about it. They fill out the required paperwork and have always gotten drugs covered for me but then the insurance company makes you pay a small fortune because it’s not on their preferred list of drugs. It’s NOT fair.

    I thought cytomel was the only T3 drug available to us. If you don’t mind me asking what drug did they want you to take instead of cytomel? I’m asking because I believe I need more T3 and I am trying to get my doc to order cytomel for me. I guess I better check and see if my insurance will even cover it.

    I like to think we are given challenges for a reason also; there is always a lesson to be learned from every situation, but how can all the challenges we keep getting thrown at us be a good thing. That much stress cannot be good. I’m starting not to believe that any more, at least not in every situation.

    I really hope it works out for you and you get your medicaction Sharen.

  3. Marj says:

    Here is a site that gives all the different makers of thyroid medications and also the history of and newer information on studies.

    As for concern about getting the thyroid medications that works for you can you just pay out of pocket for what works for you. Most thyroid medications are not expensive at all. It just might be worth the hassle you are having.

  4. Marj says:

    Ooops forgot to add the site! Here it is, copy and paste if it doesn’t work for you:


  5. Lolly says:

    As I am not from the states i don’t have a problem with medication I get mine 3 months at a time what i do have a problem with is getting a doctor to even prescribe me cytomel something I have been working my ass off to achieve as i am not a great converter.
    Sharen if you can afford to buy your medication OTC then i would do that to go cold turkey may cause you alot more symptoms and put you back to square one. even though you believe that things happen for a reason sometimes they are out of our hands and it’s protocol and insurances that say what you can and cannot do and that suck For pity sake it’s your health they are playing with.

    I hope you are able to square it with your insurance and you start to feel better soon.

  6. katie says:


    insurance companies suck ass squared, I can’t believe their audacity. They have nerve they haven’t used yet.

    You have to get 90-day scrips of Synthroid, or the insurance co won’t pay for your 30-day scrip?! INSANE.

    Great points and support for Sharen, thanks.

  7. katie says:

    That is just plain crazy! Talk about making someone jump through hoops. They do that hoping you won’t bother and will just give up Great point, Lori!

  8. katie says:


    Welcome to Dear Thyroid.

    For some reason that link you sent leads to a story regarding reverse dementia. I would love it if you wouldn’t mind re-posting the link.


  9. katie says:


    Great advice. You’re such a sagey dame 🙂

  10. Zari says:

    The really stupid thing is that if the thyroid isn’t treated properly you will have lots of other expensive health problems. The insurance company is just dumb

    That being said I get a 90 day supply mail order, that’s what the insurance will pay for. But it’s pretty simple, I just renew it a few weeks in advance and it works fine.

    Personally I hated the cytomel. But I guess we have different needs. I’d read so much about supplemental T3 that I was really excited to try it but after a month I went back to just full replacement T4, synthroid.

    I guess it just goes to show how much remains to be learned. I’m perpetually struck at this site by how what works for one person doesn’t work for another.


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