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A Swift Kick In The Gland

Post Published: 01 January 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 7 responses. Leave a comment

Written by, Amy

Dear Thyroid,

If only I knew. If I knew that thyroid disease runs in my family… If I knew what I was doing to my body, ingesting so much gluten and sugar; If I knew about Vitamin D… And I am sure that all the drinking and smoking pot, cigarettes as a teen didn’t help you out. If my parents knew, would they have helped me make better decisions? Would I have helped myself? If only I knew at my three month postpartum appointment when,  the nurse said my thyroid felt enlarged and they did blood work, but it was borderline, so you ran rampant for a year. If only; I would like to think that I would have made better decisions. But, hey a little too late now for prevention.

So, now that I have Hashimoto’s hypothyroid and insulin resistance, I have to choose to make better decisions. There is no messing around now. I have a life to live! A husband and daughter to love and take care of! You will not steal my joy! I am not saying that at times it isn’t hard. There is the depression and the why me. But, it doesn’t last long. I pick myself back up and keep pressing forward. I will do everything I can to have a healthy and normal life. So, yes, you carb feign no more grains and sugar. Yeah, ice cream, that means you can stick it as well. No more processed food. No more cheap ass gross meat.

It is healthy and organic for us now. Free range, baby. I am going to fight this full force and win! And, I hope that my girl will not get this nasty disease. I will try to be a good example for her. She will have a fighting chance.

Well, thyroid, we will make this work. I will not let you step all over my life now. I am doing well right now and I hope it stays that way. But, if you decide to rear your ugly little head again, I will step it up. Whatever it takes. Because my life is too good and important to let you dominate with all those nasty symptoms. That is the way it is. You deal with it…I am living my life!



(Bio) My name is Amy. I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. I am 27 years old. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s a year and a half ago and insulin resistance three months ago. I live happily in the San Juan Islands, WA as a stay at home mom.

Whether you have a thyroid disorder or not, all comments are welcomed on Dear Thyroid, so please don’t be shy. We want to hear from you.

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7 Responses to “A Swift Kick In The Gland”

  1. Stacerella says:

    One post in, and I already feel like I love your blog and what you have to say. I have Hash…imoto’s, too. I’m struggling to keep insulin resistance at bay. I see my niece, who at age 12, has the same body and face shape I do right now at 40. I see the pattern. I’m determined to help her traverse this and prepare her for what’s surely to come… or not, if we can help it. 🙂

  2. katie says:

    Hi Stacarella;

    Thanks for stopping by and for sharing a bit about you and for lending your support to Amy.

    I am so sorry that you’re struggling with insulin resistance and I can’t believe your niece might be dealing with a thyroid issue. I’m so glad she has you. You can keep a close eye on her and make sure she gets the help she needs.

    How are you handling your disease? How are you managing it? How are you feeling about it?

    PS: I hope you’ll share more of your story with us and write a letter about your hashimoto’s.

    Thanks again for stopping by and joining us. You are officially a “thyrella” 🙂

    I look forward to seeing you around Dear Thyroid.

    Be well, my sweet.

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  4. Zari says:

    It was a nice letter Amy and I wish I could get my daughter to take all the ill effects of pot as seriously as she does all her other organic food stuff. Something about how pot is a natural product untainted by the FDA, as if all the pot growers were completely ethical and used only organic farming methods…..Oh well.

    My insulin resistance did go away when I lost weight, just like the endo said it would. Possibly that will help, but then again you didn’t say you were overweight, so maybe not.

    Lots of progress is being made in our field. So maybe if our kids develope our disease LATER IN LIFE, more help will be available.

  5. Robyn says:

    Love it Amy! LOVE IT! I fully embrace MF-ing our thyroids, but I also think we have a responsibility to step up to the plate and take our share of the recovery process!

    Good luck, and happy glanding!

  6. Lolly says:

    Amy, you kick ass girl we have all probably done in the past what you have been through we can blame it on a number of things life style, environmental factors, bad choices, but at the end of the day we have a thyroid problem and what we do now is what counts not from the past we can’t change the past but we can certainly mould the future.

    Happy healing.

  7. Lori says:

    Amy, that’s a beautfiul letter. You have a lot to be proud of! I’m so proud of how far you have come!


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