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Oh Joy, A New Endocrinologist! I’m So Excited, My Gland Is Jumping Outside Of My Neck

Post Published: 16 February 2010
Category: Dear Thyroid Letters
This post currently has 27 responses. Leave a comment

Written by Maddi, a teen with thyroid disease

Dear Thyroid,

Guess what?! No really guess!,  Fine.  Fine.  I’ll tell,  ya. We are going to the Endo-Lady!!!! I know right I’m,  sooooo,  exited!!! Wait what’s wrong? No don’t start, crying!!! This is going to be a great opportunity for the both of us. We are going to get you all in-balance and shrunken, it will be great, no, no cutting (not yet anyway). Don’t worry they won’t take you away, I know none of this is your fault or mine, it just happened.

Thy, you have always tried your hardest, but sometimes you need help, just a little boost.  Thy this,  is going to be a great year for us, starting college in the fall, maybe even becoming a real journalist. This all has to start with going to the Endo-Lady, without her we have no hope, all we have is a diagnosis with no treatment, what good is that.

We won’t see her for the next couple months, in March to be exact, and until then try to be your best. I really want this year for myself, I do want the prom dress, and the,  knight,  in shining armor, but you need to get us there. Giving me a warning, a sign, these next couple months are going to be hard, but hasn’t the past three years. I know our friendship has been a rocky one, but it’s a new year, a new decade, and don’t worry about the cutting, I know your sticking around.



(Bio): I am now 18 and lived with Hashi’s since the ripe age of 15.   It has been a struggle, but I’m doing my best to someday be a great journalist/writer/dear thyroid author/person (like Katie and Liz). I will be graduating June 2010!!! I have written many letters for Dear Thyroid, and hope that they help everyone as much as everyone’s letters help me on those days.

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27 Responses to “Oh Joy, A New Endocrinologist! I’m So Excited, My Gland Is Jumping Outside Of My Neck”

  1. Hey Maddi,

    I’m sure you are one of the youngest on the site. It must be so much tougher to go through this at your age because I’d imagine even fewer people know about thyroid disease. I’m now 32 and still grimace at the lack of awareness. People think thyroid disease is so simple – one pill and you’re sorted! Others seem to think that it just causes a weight problem, which is bad enough in itself, but it’s so much more complex. If you don’t mind me asking, what are your main symptoms?

    Did you get diagnosed at an early stage and how did you get diagnosed? Does it run in your family? Looking back, I think I probably had thyroid problems since I was about your age (18), but the doctors were only too happy to make snide comments instead of actually figuring anything out. I got diagnosed last year and the doctor said I’d had it for 10 – 15 years. I feel quite bitter about that.

    He also told me that if it gets diagnosed early enough, then some people don’t have to take pills for the rest of their lives, but sadly I don’t think there are many cases like that.

    I wish you all the luck with your new endo! I know that appointments with new doctors can really freak you out. It helps to go prepared with questions and a list of symptoms, etc. but it sounds like you are quite a veteran at this anyway:-).

    Take care and tell Thy to behave herself!



  2. Dori says:

    You’re a warrior, Maddi! Keep pushing on. I’m proud of you for having such a positive letter. I can relate to you; I had thyroid disease young as well, but not quite as young. I was 17.

    Kudos, sweetie!

  3. Sarah;

    I love your questions to Maddi and this point you made “If it gets diagnosed early enough, then some people don’t have to take pills for the rest of their lives, but sadly I don’t think there are many cases like that.”

    Imagine that?!

    Great support, too.


  4. Dori;

    That is really young, same as Sarah and Maddi it seems. How long have you been living with thyroid disease?

    Great support.


  5. Joanna says:


    I absolutely admire you for not only surviving high school while dealing with thyroid issues, but embracing it. I don’t think I could have done it. Good for you. You’re awesome.


  6. amy says:

    I love your positive attitude. That is wonderful and sometimes very hard to have even when you want to be positive. You are a fighter and I have a feeling you will not let hashi’s control you in a negative way. I also wonder if I could of handled hashi’s at such an early age. I though 24 was young. You go Girl! You rock and I see a wonderful journalist/advocate for your future!

  7. Robyn says:

    I echo Amy’s sentiment. Being positive through life’s struggles will go a long way as you grow as a person. I LOVE that we all vent, but until we accept our lot and try to focus on the good we will always be miserable!

  8. Keep up the positive attitude! These darn thyroids sure now how to challenge us, but your not letting it get you down- New Endocrinologist
    this young woman is on her way to see you! Love the positive thoughts in your article, as well!

  9. Diann Dashkewitz says:


    First of all, I would like to compliment you on your writing style. I graduated with a BA in Journalism from Penn State. I definitely believe you have flair and I think pursuing a degree in Journalism would be fantastic for you. Your education and experience will empower you to get proper information out about thyroid disease among other things.

    I am so sorry that you have to go through this at such a young age when so much is happening in your life. I have been going through this awhile as an adult and it isn’t always easy. On the other hand, once you get this properly treated and followed, your life will be so much better! Of course, you will have to manage the disease throughout your life, but I think you are a smart cookie and will be educated enough to stay on top of things once you get put on the right track. Now, if only we could get some of these doctors and medical professionals better educated and put on the right track.

    My thoughts are with you on your new endocrinologist visit. And, I like the others here would like to hear more about your symptoms and experiences.


  10. Diann Dashkewitz says:

    Robyn and Amy,

    I agree with both of you 100% regarding the positive attitude aspect. I think it is even more important to maintain a positive attitude when we have things happen in life that are totally out of our control, but we have to deal with them anyhow. And, venting definitely helps, especially to those who have been through or are going through similar experiences. This isn’t easy to deal with at times and I don’t think we would be human if it didn’t stress us or get to us sometimes. I am new to your site, but I am so glad I found you guys!

    — Diann

  11. Madison Merritt says:

    Thank you all for your encouragement!!! For those of you asking, I was diagnosed at 15 and they only person in my family was my great grandmother.


  12. Madison Merritt says:

    I mean the only person with thyroid problems was my great grandmother

  13. Joanna;

    Agreed – Maddi is pretty terrific, very inspiring.


  14. Amy – Love your sentiments and support.


  15. Robyn – an excellent point, so true… sigh

  16. SaraB – You’re right!

  17. Diann – Beautifully said.

  18. Being positive is really important as is venting/lamenting the hardships that we endure, IMO. I say this because if we don’t allow ourselves the opportunity to embrace every incantation of the human condition, how are we to heal?

    Any thoughts?

  19. Bonnie in OKC says:

    You go, girl…we are all pulling for you! Your letter had alot of style and warmed my heart! I think you have a very promising future!
    My son was diagnosed at the age of 22 with Graves (even before ME), and I thought that was so young! I don’t hear of many guys having hyperthyroid problems, though. Best wishes on your career! I dont think you will have to worry on that score…your writing skills are great!

  20. dearthyroid says:


    We are so gland that we found each other! Welcome aboard.


  21. dearthyroid says:


    Love what you wrote, totally agreed.


  22. Robyn says:

    Katie (DT),

    I do think venting has it’s place. I have no problem expressing myself verbally, loudly, and negatively if needed.

    We (all) just need to be careful that we don’t fall into chronic complaining, however–I think that’s distinctly different and does not promote any healing.

    A positive attitude will illuminate new and different avenues for seeking change and growth, and a negative attitude will not.

  23. Jen says:

    Hang in there, Maddi! Honestly, it is great to hear that you were diagnosed at such a young age, because you’re aware of what is going on with your body and perhaps taking healthy steps now will prevent more troublesome problems down the road. Best wishes for a wonderful senior year to you. 🙂 Keep your head up, retain that positive attitude, and you will be well on your way to happiness and success.

  24. Madison Merritt says:

    Thank you!!!! But, its y’all that keep me going through all this, when I get to read these letters and write my own it is the greatest. This site was a brilliant idea and has got me to where I know longer blame my thyroid by try to help it.

    Thanks again!!

  25. Jeny says:

    Dear Maddi,
    Sometimes it’s best to see not a an endo, but an alternative doctor that will treat you clinically and physically and NOT treating a blood test. There is a growing number of MD’s out there that are helping millions of people with thyroid problems successfully. And I don’t mean by normalizing their blood, but normalizing their lives. I hope whomever you see will see if a natural thryoid preparation will relieve your symptoms and allow you to take the dosage that works. Sometimes with AT also comes Adrenal Fatigue that also should be addressed.
    Best Wishes to an amazing young lady!

  26. Lolly says:


    good Luck with your new Endocriminologist I hope they cant help you so you can continue your jounrlism and pass with honours your young you got your whole life ahead of you.

    You shoul;dn;t need to be dealing with this disease but it’s happened I think yioy handle it with such a maturity for your years.

    I honestly wish you all the best just remember the name Lolly when your writing for some big magazine remember the topless thyboobs, and flame resitiant pants.

    Let us know how it goes in March not long to go now.

  27. Angela says:

    Maddi, how long did you experience symptoms before you were diagnosed? My 12 year old daughter has all symptoms of thyroid, (my dad and I both are on medication for it) but her bloodwork always comes back normal. Wondering if you wen through that before they actually treated you?

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